How Do I Know If I Have Anger Management Problems?

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Do your temper go way out of hand more than usual people? There are 10 signs of anger management problems that you should be aware of. Anger can be destructive so it's best to get ahead of it.

Watch and Enjoy!
Dr. Paul Jenkins

For a FREE digital copy of my mini-book, Portable Positivity, visit this link:


Track: Kisma - We Are [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0

Video by Nate Woodbury

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I have anger issues and I looked this up because I punched a huge hole in the wall, my mom is coming home soon, pray for me guys


My sister always says I have anger issues I get really mad when she says that.


He said feeling like your surrounded by idiots
I don’t think I’m surrounded by idiots

I know I’m surrounded by idiots


10. People tiptoe/are defensive around you.

9. You often feel regret over what you said.

8. More than one person has pointed out your anger issues.

7. You regularly feel like you’re surrounded by idiots.

6. You focus on thinking that life is unfair.

5. You blame others for what’s going on in your life.

4. You yell a lot.

3. You feel frequent, intense surges of rage.

2. You’ve been referred to anger management classes.

1. You searched for and found this video.

-for those of you like me that are too impatient!


Litterally everyone sees me as a calm person but i get angry all the time. I just don't show it. I go to my room or something and litterally punch the shit out of my own stuff


Video: the idiots around you-

Bakugou, sitting with his legs crossed and hands on his lap: i know right


Smiling for at least 15 seconds will raise our vibration level and you feel better while doing so because our subconscious doesn't know when you're "faking it". A little something I learned from a law of attraction channel. I hope this helps someone. Thanks Dr. Paul for your humorous yet informative videos!


I don’t know if I have anger issues. Around my friends and others I’m always laughing and joking, but at home I become frustrated and become violent with my parents. What should I do?

I’m 16 if that has anything to do with it


I’ve held in my anger for the past 21 years and now I get angry quickly. I yell and break stuff now. I’ve punched holes in the wall


Honestly everything you've said in this video is exactly how I feel. It makes me feel bad about myself all the time. Lost a few of good friends with this negative attitude. I wish nothing but the best for everyone honestly.


i like how he talks, like a parent figure


I dont really know what makes me happy. I think everyone is annoying especially dumb people they drive me crazy i punched someone once because they were talking about me.


Ever since I was about 3, I struggled with anger. At the age of 6, I had gotten myself expelled from my local elementary school. I remember the time I got angry at my brother (he was 16 and I was 7 at the time) and we were playing football with my older cousins. I was calling for the ball and they wouldn’t pass. I started to get worked up and I picked the ball up. My brother let’s call him Jack, picked me up and started to tickle me. He then tipped me upside down and started jumping up and down. Now Lucia, my cousin tried to take the ball whilst jack was busy tickling me. I ended up so mad at him, and my dad had to take me to *HOSPITAL* because I had fainted after being so angry.

Now I am 12, and my brother still does the same sort of stuff to me, but I can manage it much better than I used to.

Brother on brother,



I always had anger issues since I was a kid, and I still can’t control it. I got told by 6-7 people that my anger has worsened and my anger has led to self-harm. So now I’m going under intense therapy for this next week...


The holes in my walls are crying tears of joy


I can always feel the rage before it come out and no way to stop it... 🥺😢


I internalized anger for most of my life. I’m 39 years old and have had struggles with alcohol addiction since I was about 16 years old. I am sober 2 months and have been feeling a lot of anger/resentment bubbling up inside of me and don’t know how to process it. I used to let people walk all over me and I don’t want to do that anymore. It scares me how much anger I have inside of myself. I don’t know what to do.


I’ve been angry journaling and it helps but sometimes I can’t calm down enough to grab it. I need like several techniques.
So many amazing points here, I always get so “poor me, poor me.” When I’m angry and things don’t go my way. Thanks for bringing these things to my attention 🤗


I don’t know how I should feel.. My sister took my phone and search this on YouTube, then gave my phone back. I don’t think I have anger issues, but I’ll watch this video because I respect her input.


Being a child with learning disabilities and emotional issues and having strict Asian parents in my early years and trying meet demands of western authority standards attributed to a lot of my anger. Now I learn to compare myself to both genders and I rage very easily.
