Jacob 5-7 Part 2 • Dr. Matthew L. Bowen • April 8 - April 14 • Come Follow Me

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Dr. Matthew Bowen further explores Jacob’s warning against denying Jesus Christ, intertwining the narrative of Sherem and reflecting on the ephemeral nature of life.







00:00 Part II–Dr. Matthew Bowen
00:07 Jacob 5:15-28 - Time of Christ and a “poor spot”
03:35 “Let God Prevail” and BH Roberts
05:03 Jacob 5:49-51 - A low spot
07:19 How does the Lord save the unsavable?
10:19 Jacob 5:71 - Call for help
12:09 Gideon and his 300
13:07 Jacob 5:68-74 - Zion and the Lord knows you
15:38 Jacob 5:72-74 Hank’s next missionary plaque scripture
16:51 2 Kings 6 - Elisha and the young man
17:35 Jacob 5:75-77 - Glorious conclusion
21:26 Isaiah 11:11 - Isles of the sea
22:54 3 Nephi, Psalm 95 - Cleave unto God
24:21 Jacob 6:12-13 - Be wise and temple allusions
25:14 Jacob 7 - Jacob had to add one more story and various writers
27:38 Jacob 7 - Sherem and Dr. Bowen shares a story about confrontation
29:58 Jacob 7:7-9 - Jacob explains why Sherem is wrong
30:25 Where did Sherem come from?
30:54 Jacob 7:5 - Unshaken
32:08 Jacob 7:17-23 - After Sherem dies and Jacob sums up
34:05 Jacob 7:23 - The threat of Sherem’s denying Christ and love of God restored
36:03 The Come Back Podcast - Ashly Stone and Lauren Rose
36:49 Jacob 7:50 Life passes as a dream
40:06 Jacob 7:27 - Adieu - Go with God
40:56 Dr. Bowen shares his testimony of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon
43:35 End of Part II– Dr. Matthew Bowen

Thanks to the followHIM team:
Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, Sponsor
David & Verla Sorensen: Sponsors
Dr. Hank Smith: Co-host
John Bytheway: Co-host
David Perry: Producer
Kyle Nelson: Marketing, Sponsor
Lisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show Notes
Jamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic Design
Will Stoughton: Video Editor
Krystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, Website
Ariel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts

"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonald
Рекомендации по теме

Dear Brother Bowen thank you so much for sharing the depth of you knowledge of the book of Jacob and the allegory of the olive Vineyard. And your precious testimony of how Jacob was a real person and the challenges and struggles that he had in growing up in the wilderness, going across the ocean to the promised land and dealing with his contentious brothers who created war with their family members. I am grateful for Nephi and Jacob both! They were great Prophets of God who did a really great job in helping to prepare the people and their future Generations who would be taught from these books of scripture to prepare for the Savior Jesus Christ coming to their people in the promised land after his resurrection! I love the prophets of the Book of Mormon and especially Nephi and Jacob. They were great men! They became Holy Men while they were on the Earth. This gives us hope that we may all become holy men and women in these last days to prepare for the Savior's Second Coming! I love our Prophet President Russell M. Nelson and how he is preparing us along with the 12 apostles and the 70s to learn to become holy men and women and become clean and pure like Jesus, so that we will recognize Him and He will recognize us and we will be like Him! We will KNOW HIM. And He will KNOW US!

Thank you to Hank Smith and John Bytheway for all your hard work and preparation that you guys do to create such a great podcast. I have learned so much through the years of all the scriptures that we have studied so far together. It really helps me to prepare to teach my sweet little Sunbeam class in a very simple way, all of the deep doctrine that you have shared with us . Thank you my dear brother and for all your hard work and your great study of the Book of Mormon and all the scriptures. It depends my testimony more and more each day that I hear this podcast and several others like it on YouTube. I'm grateful for this platform bringing forth your knowledge to us. I feel like a student at BYU in your religion classes!


John B. - Thank You for your comments and thoughts in the 2nd hour about those who listen to this podcast in prison. I serve in the prison ministry in Texas. It brought me to tears to hear you acknowledge them. Your words will mean so much to them, confirm that the atonement includes them, and that our Heavenly Father will never give up on them. Hope and forgiveness are almost impossible to internalize when one faces many decades, or the remainder of their mortal lives, incarcerated. I NEVER leave the prison without overwhelming gratitude for my testimony and freedom.


So good. This Podcast just got better and better as it went along. Thanks again and Aloha to Brother Matthew L. Bowen.


They never fail to get me excited about parts of scripture that I used to think were the most dry and tedious.


John, what you said about verse 21 and the “poor spot” was so wonderful and full of hope, thank you!


So lovely. I have never wasted a minute of my life as I listen to you and your guests.


Love all of you!! Thank you for your testimonies, thank you for spending your time with us and teaching us! ❤🇨🇦


My testimony has been strengthened as it always is when I watch your podcast. Thanks for your efforts and time and energy in helping all of us to Come Unto Christ.


Thank you 😊 I am 78 years old. I remember as a child trying to emagen what it would be like to be old.
Now I don't need to imagine any more 😊❤
I dose go fast. But for me anyway - that's ok.
I'm not perfect but it has become easier to let God prevail and I feel that the last will be better than the first for me because of that 1 thing.
Come Follow Me and Follow Him Lessons are part of that.
President Nelson and the Apostles - The Gospel Joseph Smith restored - I'm so grateful 🙏 ❤I am so blessed. The Lord has been so good to me and my posterity.
Thank you 💛 😊


Each time I listen I gain new insights. You two are exceptional teachers and I love the guests you invite on to share their wisdom. Please please never stop. 😊


You are changing my life! I am learning SO much! You and your guests are modern day heroes to me. I find myself in tears so many times as the Holy Ghost testifies to me of the truthfulness of your messages. Teaching my children scripture that has taken me 45 years to figure out! The insight so good! Hoping they'll be wiser quicker than I. Old too fast and wise too slow-agreed! We will keep at the grind though right?! Thank You!


I listened to half of part 1 the read the chapter. I FELT understanding come over me! I was the slowest I have ever read. Now the rest of the pod cast is FILLING my understanding!! thankZ


Thank you, Hank and John and your wonderful guest. I would love to visit Hawaii, He and you are fabulous scholars. Thank you, thank you.


You don’t have to look very far to find someone that is in a “poorer”spot that you are.
Thanks for all you do.


What a lovely chap is Matt Bowen. Thank you All 💛


Love how he pointed out the correlation to the Old Testament and how that shows the BOM to be an ancient text. These recordings were a huge testimony builder for me. Thank you so much!


Thank you all so much! I have truly been spiritual feed. Enjoy General Conference ❤


Awesomeness to the square. Love this show.


This was such an amazing podcast this time!! I so appreciate you all!!


I learned much from the Jacob 5 allegory about temple worship, the Restoration, & Joseph Smith (even his name!) from Dr. Bowen. Thank you.
