Lipstick affects deaf people lipreading 💄

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not just you, having to focus that hard on anything for a long time gives the worst headaches


My mother was hard of hearing in her older age. She had a hearing aid, but it didn’t work too well so I do translate a lot often because some reason people in customer service areas were just too damn quiet and most of them were women that wore lipstick that she couldn’t read through it was really frustrating for her and she really disliked it. I think it was one of the reasons she stopped going out as often


I have a friend in her 70's was sent to a deaf school that forbid sign language and exclusively taught lip reading she never learned sign language and I would forget that she was deaf she spoke as clearly as a hearing person and you could carry on a conversation with her for long periods of time and completely forget she was deaf until she asked you to move your hand. I was horrified when I found out what the deaf school was like back then


My uncle went through most of his life having to only lipread because his parents wouldn’t learn sign language. Finally, as an older man, he has an interpreter, and both his parents have passes so he no longer really has to worry about that. I’ve always felt so bad for him that he had to fend for himself like that until he had kids basically. Also, his wife is both deaf and blind so he also has to try and interpret for her.


I am not deaf or hard of hearing, but I lip read because of a processing disorder. Essentially when people talk, I hear jibberish or with an extreme delay. (With all sounds not just talking)
Lip reading is really hard but I rely on it for most conversations. So if I ask you to slow down or prounouce your words please don’t be mad. Not only does it take a lot of energy but even just the lights or your face structure can make reading more difficult.
I also use an AAC and sign during mute episodes. Don’t be rude when people ask you to help them understand you. 🤟🏽


Yes this! I'm not deaf but I have some auditory processing issues and lip reading helps fill in the gaps my ears take awhile to process. When masks were mandatory it was horrible I had so many people get mad at me for asking them to repeat what they said (I work retail so it's a nightmare)


Planning to learn ASL in the summer while I go to my grandparents country since we staying there for two months. They should make asl a elective course in school, it's an extremely important language.


I am deaf as well and everytime I get home from school, I have the most worst headache from lipreading my friends and teachers all day don't worry you're not alone xx


When speaking to someone deaf even if they have an implant, I still sign what I'm saying to avoid any miscommunication. I could always use the asl practice.


You help us understand SO MUCH about the deaf community. It’s awesome. Knowledge is power.
Thank you❣️🙏🏼🇦🇺🇺🇸


I get really bad migraines from lip reading and only my mom knows ASL in my family because my siblings say that it’s to hard to learn so they just gave up also ilysm ❤


i have an auditory processing disorder, and one of the things that made me realize that something was off prior to my diagnosis was when everyone started wearing masks- i had no clue i relied so heavily on lip reading until i couldn't see people's mouths.


I get tired easily in long conversations due to constant focus on trying to hear/lip read. I eventually tap out and give blank face


I didn't realise how much I lipread to replace what I didn't hear until my friend spoke to me upside down (her head was tilted back in a chair and I was behind her). It took literally five goes until she turned around and was like "HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??" I can't believe I didn't catch something so simple


her nails clicking together is so tingly ✨✨


Your speaking has gotten so much better :) ❤❤❤


Your videos have made me want to learn sign language :)💛💛


A close friend of mine who's hard of hearing lip reads a lot. All our profs were aware of that so they made sure to speak very clearly and louder than usual, as well as look in her general direction. Her lip reading was sufficient enough for the material itself as long as she knew that we were talking about trigonometry for example, that way she could make a logical assumption about something she may not have understood well so that she can ask later on break when the class would be mostly empty, or I would simply write down the important things so she could copy the notes. When covid hit and everyone was wearing masks the poor thing was totally lost and relied almost exclusively on me which I obviously didn't mind. We were the only people to sit together because I wasn't about to leave her alone to struggle. Some profs started wearing masks that had a clear plastic on the mouth area but after two seconds it would fog up so it was rendered useless ;_;


Wow! I think you just unlocked a mystery for myself as to why I get random splitting headaches!


listen even 30% still seems crazy good for just lip reading, everyone deserves proper accomodations
