Rainbow - Hillsong Kids Lyric Video

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Engaging children of this generation in worship - - Building the lives of children all over the globe.

We believe that teaching children to love God and others takes place in both the home and in the church. For this reason we seek to partner with parents (the greatest teachers of all!) and with church pastors and leaders, equipping them with great resource. Through fun experiences, meaningful music and ministry that encourages kids to participate, we present Jesus Christ and His Church in a relevant way, creating moments which children will never forget.

Anyone can do what we do. The simple key is to love God, love His Church and have fun!

It’s not a secret
It’s not a fairytale
It’s not made up
Jonah was in a whale
For three whole days, 1 2 3

The greatest treasure
The Word God’s people wrote
It’s in the Bible
When Noah built a boat
And it rained and rained

The rainbow’s in the sky
To show God’s promises are true
The rainbow’s in the sky
To show the world
He’s the only way
For your everyday

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