All the LONGEST Books On My Owned TBR! (600+ pages)

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In today's video I'm sharing all the longest books on my owned TBR! These 9 books are all 600+ pages long and I have yet to read them. What is the longest book on your TBR?

**** May Patreon Book Club Picks: Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston, 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

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The Luminaries 😍😍 I've had it on my physical tbr since it won the Booker prize in 2013 but just got around to reading it last month. It was so much fun, less a ghost story than a rollicking historical fiction but highly recommend


The Outlander books are my mother's favourite series, but when I borrowed the first one from her a few years ago she warned me in a very roundabout way that it's not for everyone. I don't think she was 100% prepared for me to know what kind of books she'd been reading, haha.
I don't own a lot of very long books that I haven't read yet, but I am currently rereading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell which is a chunker at 1006 pages!


Through a Glass Darkly is a the 2nd in a series. I’ve apparently read the 3rd, but I don’t remember a ton :)
The longest book I’ve read is War and Peace.
The longest on my TBR is Shadow of Night, the 2nd in the A Discovery of Witches series


I’ve never thought of The Way of Kings as controversial. Everyone I know or follow seems to love it.

Coincidentally, the longest book on my Goodreads TBR is Rhythm of War. My longest owned TBR book is Sevenese, which isn’t really that long.


The Luminaries series starts on Sunday 17th May & it looks awesome ( NZ TV).


I recommend Outlander on audiobook. It's like 30 hours long, but the audio is really, really well done. I feel like it was less daunting then reading the physical copy.


Wow!!! What intimidating books you have😊😊😊


I'm in the middle O2 of the books that you had on your TBR the two that you showed are Brandon Sanderson way of Kings and Diana Gabaldon first book in the Outlander series great video hope you and your family are doing well during this trying time stay safe


My longest, at 1392 pages, is War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (1867). I may, however, have read it a very long time ago. So I don't know whether to count it.
My second longest is Black Lamb and Grey Falcon by Rebecca West (1941). It is about Yugoslavia - and comes in at a whopping 1181 pages.


I rarely read long books because they are intimidating haha
Some of the bigger books I've read are the A Song of Ice and Fire books and the bigger Harry Potter books
I love the Outlander show!


I get intimidated by long books so it takes me such a long time to pick them up!


The longest book on my TBR is probably Wanderers by Chuck Wendig. I initially got a physical library copy, not realizing it was something like 700 pages. I now own it on audio, and it's 36 hours.


I have the Ebook copy of Peace and Turmoil and need to finally read it as well. I kind of want to get the physical copy though because the cover is beautiful! I am working on reading Words of Radiance by Sanderson soon and that is the longest book on my TBR right now at over 1K pages lol. I also have Priory of the Orange Tree to read which is super thick haha.


Longest on my physical TBR is A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. 1474 pages!!

I used to ONLY read big books - I was living in India with my husband and he was earning 20K rs per month, 18K went to rent. When every book is 500rs, you try to get as much book possible for the money lol.


Please read Outlander when you get a chance ! I need to catch up on the series myself, but I'm really interested in hearing your thoughts.


A Plague of Giants starts off extremely slow. I ended up enjoying it, but the first 200 or so pages were rough. I liked Outlander, but there's some content warnings certainly. I don't think I really know anyone who hasn't liked The Way of Kings. I'm not sure what the longest book in my TBR pile is, but I definitely have several 800 ish page books!


I think I might take the cake with the longest book on my TBR... with 11.095 pages! It only comes in ebook format (thank goodness because my wrists would die otherwise) and is a "bind up" of the 14 wheel of time books so "The Complete Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson.

Also there's a readathon happening right now for 500+ page books called Tome Topple.


The Way of Kings, Dark Age, Through a Glass Darkly, Middlemarch, and the Illuminaries are all on my TBR!


I just realized I had two funny stories regarding Outlander and 1Q84 I read both books while I was living in DC. I am not sure if I was having an extra emotional day, but I got to a particular scene (not going to say what it was) and I started balling, like ugly crying. My makeup was a mess and this nice elderly lady gave a guy a gentle whack on the arms and said let her sit down and I am like I am ok. And she is like no you aren't, and then I started to tell her the scene I had just finished reading and she says: that is god awful and she asks for the book. I show Outlander and she asks for the page and I tell her she says I am going to get it and skip those pages. ROTFLMAO.

I was reading 1Q84 and there is a certain scene (not going to say what it was, the book is trippy enough) and I was so immersed in the trippy scene that I said out loud "WTF" and during the morning commute which is quiet and the guy sitting next to me stood up and left, and that is when I realized I had said not thought it.

Somewhere in the DC metro archives are two videos of me acting like a loon while reading LMAO.

I've wanted to continue with the Outlander series but a part of me is like let me just watch it. And I can hate-watch a particular character in the book.


I don’t know what my longest book is (I don’t do goodreads or really keep track of stats) but I’m currently on page 545 of The Goldfinch by Donna tart which is 771 pages. Also have some ken follett books on the tbr and those are chunkers and probably the only books I have that intimidate me with their size.
