Demon Possessed Man Vs. Street Preacher | Spirit of Discernment

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Demon possessed young man wants a handshake but his true character is quickly revealed.

# DemonPossessed

In the Midst of the Valley Ministries
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We are surely in the last days but it’s amazing to see God still pouring out his grace on sinners with preachers like you! Seeds are being planted brother thank you for doing the Lords work in boldness and truth!


Truely has the gift of discernment knowing not to shake hands, then the discernment reveals its power straight after by exposing the demon. All glory to God! Keep preaching the truth brother I pray that God continues to push you forward, bless and protect you in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen 🕊️🔥


The good shall always prevail! Evil=Deception


This gave me some important insight. Thank you! Jesus Christ bless you




His retort to the entire bible "that nigga ain't gon do shit". AMAZIN


That dude came up wounded and hurt I feel that he would have opened up with the handshake he wanted maybe you hurt his feelings and his history of anger initiated quickly. I don't know maybe just maybe he wasn't planning to snap.


If the scriputures were false i dont think we would be seeing such reactions from demon possed people


definitely possessed with unclean spirits


such a tough guy picking on someone preaching the words of God lol


Go to Congress and tell those republicans about Jesus!


If a person has a demon first thing they will try to do is make you shake there hand so they can enter inside you if you don't believe look at the 1998 movie fallen featuring Denzel Washington


So we have free will but are possessed if we don't choose God? Yeah, whatever.


Keep in mind repent just means "chsnge of mind" according to the original greek word


It doesn’t mean someone is possessed by demons if he rejects God. It is human nature to hate God and each other because of the fall of sin. So naturally, all people hate God. But God shows mercy to people by revealing Himself to them through His Word and He works faith in their hearts through the Holy Spirit. Rejecting God doesn’t automatically mean you're possessed by demons. It simply means you're human. You're going to get nowhere with people if you treat them as if they are possessed. Did Jesus say "Oh no, I'm not going to touch you or get close to you because you're possessed" to the man in the Bible who lived in the graveyard? Did he say it to Mary Magdalene from whom He casted out 7 demons? Now, I'm not saying this guy was right. But sometimes people are angry wirh God and then they say things that they don't really believe or they have a false belief of who God is (due to their life experiences etc) that needs to be set right. This can only be done with patience and love. Not by treating them like scum. I really find it difficult to respect the kind of preachers who accuses people of being possessed for every little thing. I have a disabled friend and a preacher told him he is disabled because he has a demon of sickness. Get off your high horse. You're no better than the man you just spoke to. You are saved only through God's grace. Not because you deserve it. And you have no right to act as if you are part of this elite club who will be deviled if they greet another human by shaking hands.


im tried of all of your.

Black man always talking about my God but playing The Role of the Devils Mistress in my Devils Battles Grounds.

i pray what i love in heaven would be safe .


The Day of Judgement is drawing nearer. The Lord has allowed me to recently confirm and completely understand the words of the Bible due to the Book of Enoch. It is very important for people to understand God's enemies. If you don't understand God's enemies you don't know who you are fighting against. 1/3 of the angels rebelled in Heaven and sided with Lucifer that they wished to become like the most High and Lucifer even imagined himself ascending the throne of God and ruling over God. This started in a great war in Heaven and those 1/3 angels left their first estate and God expelled them from Heaven forever. These angels descended upon the earth and a small group of watcher angels started to lust after mortal women. God's image is that of a man and God created both the angels and man in His image. God came onto earth and appeared before Abraham and God appeared as three men. While the Bible doesn't state the nature of these three men, we can deduce that these three men are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three men comprise of God while God manifests Himself on earth. The angels can also manifest themselves on earth and they appear as mortal men just like God does. God looks like both angel and man. God has a celestial form just like the angels do and man does not (at least in this cursed body and life we live on earth). I bring this up to clarify what I'm about to say. The watcher fallen angels decided to make a pact with each other and to take mortal wives of all which they chose and bare children unto them. These children were mighty men, men of old, men of renown. They were a race of giants known as the Nephilim and they were half angel and half human and abominations because the Lord did not create them or intend for them to ever exist. The Nephilim had huge appetites and began to devour all of earth's resources and much famine existed in the land for God's people in those days. After the Nephilim made the earth barren they started to turn against man and devour man to fill their bellies. It was at this point that angels went before God and plead with God that something must be done to stop this. God agreed and told the angels to find Noah and tell Noah to build an ark for a great deluge would soon be coming to destroy all living things on the earth. Noah was a righteous man and walked with God, but Noah's DNA was pure and unblemished from the on goings of the fallen angels so this is why God chose Noah and his three sons to repopulate the earth. The fallen angels also taught man the secrets of Heaven and how to sin against God. The fallen angel Azazel taught man the art of war and weaponry and how to kill each other. Other angels taught man astronomy, witchcraft, the sun, the moon, etc. and man started to create much sin on earth. As punishment for the fallen angel's sins of sharing Heaven's secrets and having sex with mortal women God had Enoch go to the fallen angels and read them their punishment. The fallen angels plead with Enoch and asked Enoch to hear them out first which Enoch obliged. The fallen angels told Enoch that since they were banned from Heaven that they can no longer talk with God and therefore could never have asked for forgiveness of their sins. They asked Enoch to petition to God on their behalf and Enoch agreed and they also asked to petition for their children, the Nephilim. Enoch read their petition over and over until he fell asleep and meet with the Lord. God heard their petition and God belittled their lies and logic (read God's response you will love it). Both appeals are denied by God. Enoch returns to the fallen angels to hand down their punishment and Azazel is taken to the Duadel, a large hole beneath the desert sands and was placed there in chains and darkness by Heaven's archangels and Azazel will be released only on the Day of Judgement along with the other fallen angels that were the worst sinners and God is holding them in a separate prison until the Day of Judgement. Also as a punishment for the fallen angels deceiving man and falling from Heaven God had decided to alter the bodies of the fallen angels so that they would no longer be able to trick man so easily and so man can tell the difference between Heaven's angels and the fallen angels. The fallen angels are seen today and these are what people call 'alien greys'. They look like hideous creatures now and they no longer have reproductive organs and can't have children anymore. This is why the fallen angels are abducting women in their spacecraft and stealing the unborn baby. They long after their lost children the Nephilim that God had destroyed in the Great Flood. The fallen angels also know that come the Day of Judgement that God will destroy them and throw them all into the lake of fire. This is why the fallen angels are destroying man and the earth. They are going to take everything down with them. I will now explain the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ WILL BE the fallen angels. So in terms that modern man would understand the aliens are going to descend upon earth and lie that the aliens created us so that man will worship them as a false god. If you understand how vital the role of the fallen angels is in human history and all the sin and evil they created you will start to understand what is going on in the world and make sense of it all. Also the men who hold these secrets from the fallen angels are working with them and this is why the Pagans are hiding their existence. They are giving man weapons of mass destruction and in turn man is allowing them to create new children using alternative means with science and splicing their DNA into our DNA. Look at the crop circle of a fallen angel on the left side and a DNA strand on the right half of the crop circle. Half of the DNA strand is human and the other half in unknown. Well the other half is angel DNA and that DNA strand was the DNA strand of the Nephilim. I'm dead serious everyone God's word is true and is everywhere if you look and understand.


Jesus is but my brother, you wouldn't shake a non-christian's hand? We are called to even love our enemies as Jesus Christ told us to. So I don't know where you got that from.


Yahushua HaMashiach The Messiah not jesus he wasn't lying he on his own wit that devil stuff but lord(Ba'al)god(Gad)and jesus(Ioa-Zeus) is false doctrine of the false church/Circe ⭕. Yahuah The Father Yahushua HaMashiach The Messiah and We aren't christians or the church but The Qahal called out Assembly, Congregation, Body or Temple.


how do you think this makes us look as Christians? he wouldn't even shake his hand... you can see his demeaner and he wanted to hear more until he literally pushed him away and made him feel lower than he was. i think this is one of the biggest issues in the Christian community today. they need love, not rejection. way too much judgement, we're here to show Gods love not just preach it. i've seen many videos like this and they claim these people are possessed. this is highly untrue. i pray for this brother to show what God's love is truly like. Jesus would never do that. WWJD always think first. and he also posting this online for everyone to see. if he was really demon possessed he will willingly not want to touch you.
