Win-win situation vs Zero-sum game #learnenglish with #fluentjoy #shorts. #inglesonline

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A win-win situation / A zero-sum game. How are they different?
These 2 expressions are typically used in the context of a negotiation and...
A win-win situation refers to those negotiations where the 2 parties get a positive outcome
On the contrary we say something is a zero-sum game when only one of the parties is going to win. The other party is going to lose
#learnenglish with #fluentjoy. #englishlearning #inglesonline #inglesfacil #anglaisenligne #inglesparabrasileiros #ingleseperitaliani #英語フレーズ #ภาษาอังกฤษ #tiengan
These 2 expressions are typically used in the context of a negotiation and...
A win-win situation refers to those negotiations where the 2 parties get a positive outcome
On the contrary we say something is a zero-sum game when only one of the parties is going to win. The other party is going to lose
#learnenglish with #fluentjoy. #englishlearning #inglesonline #inglesfacil #anglaisenligne #inglesparabrasileiros #ingleseperitaliani #英語フレーズ #ภาษาอังกฤษ #tiengan
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Win-win situation vs Zero-sum game #learnenglish with #fluentjoy #shorts. #inglesonline
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