Η “αγάπη-ισότητα-ελευθερία” της ατζέντας ΛΟΑΤ είναι πρόσκληση αποστασίας από τον Θεό

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"Love-equality-freedom" of LGBT agenda is a call for rebellion against God.
Β. ΟΜΠΑΜΑ (Πρ. των ΗΠΑ) : Η αγάπη είναι αγάπη
B. OBAMA (Pr. of the USA): every year, we set aside this month to celebrate the ways that so many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans have helped to make our union just a little more perfect. Generations of couples who insisted that love is love, we now live in an America where all of our marriages and our families are recognized as equal under the law.
Β. ΟΜΠΑΜΑ (Πρ. των ΗΠΑ) : Η αγάπη είναι αγάπη
B. OBAMA (Pr. of the USA): every year, we set aside this month to celebrate the ways that so many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans have helped to make our union just a little more perfect. Generations of couples who insisted that love is love, we now live in an America where all of our marriages and our families are recognized as equal under the law.