Tori Spelling's Yard Sale | Broke & Famous | REELZ

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Broke to these people is having less than $500, 000
Its kinda hard to feel sorry for her


I don’t understand why she keep having babies when her relationship was on the rocks and low on cash.. yikes.. husband got issues..


They need to get their crap together. Stop having kids you can't afford to house and feed.


Ughhh, why doesn't her husband have a job and put food on the table like every other man!? Why don't they ever talk about him??


Nothing wrong with trying to make money with a garage sale. I admire her for doing that.


How the "HELL" you blow 18 million and want people to feel sorry for you??? Crazy!!!


I dislike Candy, not only w her cheap ways, but her painful comments. When Tori asked her mother, ‘Mommy am I pretty?’. ‘You will be after your nose job.’ No words to describe this cold, callus, wicked woman.. 😎🐎❤️


I grew up very poor and was raised very different than her. I cant help but feel bad that her parents never thought her how to be responsible. We are always quick to point the finger but we need to understand that this is how she grew up and probably thinks that's how he own children needed to grow up. She is an adult and that husband of hers thought he hit the lottery with her. I dislike him so much.


What did she expect ?
She was sleeping with Dean when he was married.
He left his wife for Tori.
What goes around comes around.😎🤗🤔


Why not downsize and get a job?? It's like she's begging for cash to keep her life style.


$18 million my good God what the average person would have done with half that much that’s disgusting how irresponsible someone could be an even had the nerve to run to mommy for more sorry girl you were given a dream life and you know opportunity to continue it $18 million dollars and you have nothing left shame on you


I think it's too bad that her parents didn't provider Tori with the tools and foundation to be self-sufficient. I't's not fair that people judge her as being spoiled; her parents set her up and then tossed her out to fend for herself. Not cool:(


A girl that was on a and who has written as many books as her is broke maybe it says your husband should get a real job for once and support u keep both making.


people want to bash her but they fail to realize that its actually not her fault this is her mothers fault! let me explain why! she grew up ultra rich and her mother did not show her financial modesty at all and that is a parents duty to their child. she also knew nothing but being rich so it took a long time for her to readjust to being broke. her mother made sure that she did not receive anywhere near what she was entitled to in her fathers will and she only got 800, 000 which is change compared to how rich he was! i believe he had about 85 million which all went to tight wad candy. tori did not ask her dying father if she was covered in the will cuz she assumed that she was and also he was dying! now her mother lies and claims she pays her bills and that she killed her father. her mother is responsible for tori being the way she is with money you need to raise your child no matter how much money you have to respect money and to not blow it and candy did not but candy never lifted a finger to raise her kids at all anyways so what do you expect. tori is right tho her father would not have wanted her to live like this at all.


Stop having kids and move out of Hollyweird.


This woman continues to live beyond her means. That is the reason for her situation.


Sad for Tori to have a garage sale? Welcome to how real people really live in order to survive! Living here in California is a struggle for the other 99% of the people who work hard everyday just to pay rent/ mortgage, put food on the table, & provide the basics. I have no problem with those who are financially
well to do, or started from the bottom & work their way up. It's these spoiled, silver spoon-
fed brats that do not appreciate what they have, and take everything for granted. Definitely a harsh dose of reality!


May get slammed for this but, I don't think it's "sad" at all. It's reality, life, You can't continue to live like that forever, use some self control. Try living like those of us in the "real" world.


She evidently did not learn from the garage sale. She grew up rich, and she will never have to, pay the consequences.


Why would people pity her she brought this soon her self
