STALKER Anomaly 1.5: Get the Best Performance out of your Game!

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Here are my setting to best optimize the game. It's a fine balance between pure performance and aesthetics. Achieving 100+ fps on my rig is easily doable but the visuals would suffer a lot, this video describes my settings to get the best out of both worlds.

Full Recap:
Launcher: DX11 / Shadow Map 1536
In-game Settings:
Vision Distance: 0.5
Object Detail: 1.5
Grass Details Density: 75%
Grass Rendering Distance: 150
Grass Size: 1
Texture Detail: 75%
Rendering Distance: (Static): 50%
Rendering Distance: (Dynamic): 50%
Rendering Distance: (Shadows): 100%
Anisotropic Filtering: 16
Specular: 2.5
Lighting Distance: 1
Shadow Quality: 0.5
Sun Shaft Main: 1.5
Sun Shaft Base: 0.25
All the boxes ticked or on high except Depth of field, Frequency and vertical sync.
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_Anomaly is actually pretty well optimized and runs pretty smoothly from the get-go..._
*Stutter has entered the chat*


3.6 gb of RAM, not great not terrible


thank you very much for such a detailed and great video, I finally found settings for myself to give out + 60fps


For me your videos are like the biggest/greatest addon to the experience of playing the STALKER (Stalker Anomaly GAMMA in the moment). Different in a good way from playing the STALKER series for the first time many years ago.


>not great not terrible
Everything you have is at least twice as good as what I have, lol. And I still managed to have decent performance and amazing looks out of it.


this was SO FREAKIN HELPFUL dude, literally i was playing the game with a rtx 2070, 16gb ram, i7 8700, and it ran with almost everything disabled at like 30 fps, now i get a solid 60 with most things on, but that visual distances and such make no difference in visuals (ironic) but they really do low the fps, thanks dude!


You did well but i would add a few small things. The Direct-X version has an impact on this, which in COP is explained in brackets. Meaning that anything below DX8 uses static lighting and shadows, anything above switches to dynamic and also increases the shader cache which if you don't have enough ram can hurt performance. It doesn't hurt the game visually. And you didn't test the performance in different weather conditions. When you step on an anomaly, get near moving light sources, when stalkers use their flashlights and specially when it's stormy. The amount of light sources increases and thus do shadows as well. Decreasing the shadow cache and distance or quality can greatly improve performance in those instances, and so could lowering your DX version.

And post comment: The amount of physics objects and AI in a chunk can affect performance greatly, so tweaking the a-life helps, but i don't know if you can tweak the physics.


As I see no comments about it, I might be making a fool outta myself, BUT: setting DirectX9 over DX10/11 makes a huge difference in performance as far as I noticed (not just in this).


my game would pause ever 3 minutes for about 15 seconds.. your information has made my game playable! thank you!!!


With the new update, we have new settings :D please come back to ous! Show ous the way!


i have amd fx8350 with geforce gtx1060 3gb only hdd.
i found out that the biggest fps killer strangely was anisotropic filter, sunshadow on and object detail.
going from af 16 all down to 1 gave me more than 50 fps from 70 up to 120+.
when i was looking through scopes, my fps would collapse when looking into some directions.
sunshadow impacted the game mostly at night time when many wear their headlamps.
i used the preset extreme in the visual advanced settings and turned down object detail to 0.4 and af to 1.
i toggle sunshadow on whenever i see its ok to use it (biggest impact rostok at night).

anomaly version 1.5.1


I would recommend put the dynamic objects near full, as you cant see other stalkers at a distance with it on low unless using binoculars(you cant see who's shooting at you)

And maybe turn up static to the point where objects dont despawn without using a scope, as it removes some objects which stalkers can hide behind and makes it hard to hit them as your bullets are hitting an invisible object.


Thanks for this man. Just got into Stalker so this is a god send. Hard to believe Anomaly is basically just a free mod.


Great guides, you have. I've used them a lot. Especially this tweak guide for performance. I'm on a toaster so i need all the fps i can get.


The best location to test the maximum performance of frames would have been the swamps, near the boathouse where all the clear sky fight off the bandits. I lagged so bad it was almost unplayable there.


Please god, Cheeki Breeki i'd sacrifice my left teste to you for a 2023 vers1.5.2 version of this video!


You should show your gpu/cpu graphs. Its important to know which setting affect cpu and which gpu. If your gpu usage is not maxed, and you lose frames after enabling an option then its a cpu bottleneck.


Well this is helpful since i have a i3, 4gb ram and nVidia 920m. Its a laptop and yet it can run Anomaly on about 30-40 fps in the laggy areas


god bless your videos man, you've helped me so much with both dead air and anomaly vids :)


Thanks, that really helped me keep necessary fps's during intense firefights!
