I DID MUCH MORE Than the Owner of this Overgrown Yard ASKED For

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I arrived at the next customer, who on the phone asked me to cut a hedge of Ivy about 20m long, as there were complaints from the City Department that the hedge interferes with people walking on the sidewalk, but as in my opinion it was not very overgrown and most likely complained one of the neighbors. He wanted me to cut the ivy off the side of the sidewalk and that was it.
After talking to the owner I decided to look in the yard and was in a bit of shock as the whole yard was completely overgrown with weeds, the sidewalk, parking lot, the place where there used to be a lawn and even on the side of the main road the whole yard was in weeds and small bushes that had sprouted through the stones.
He said he would like to hire someone in the fall to clean up the yard, but I offered to help him, that for the same price in addition to trimming the hedges I would also clear the yard of weeds and mow the lawn, to which the owner gladly agreed.
First, I started working by clearing the sidewalk of weeds, then I moved to the yard, behind the laurel hedge there was a pile of laurel branches that the owner cut himself from the sidewalk.
I also cleared a large area in front of the house and from the yard side I cut down the tall grass near the garden house on the overgrown lawn, where a large bush of blackberries grew, which was already ripening and I naturally could not resist and decided to try, picking a few pieces.
After that, I mowed the lawn with a lawn mower and collected the mown grass in green bags. Then I raked all the mown weeds into piles and also packed them in bags. I cleared the large area in front of the house of moss with a shovel and chopped down the birch bushes with an axe, then I cleared the sidewalk in the yard with the brush attachment of the trimmer and then blew everything away with the Stihl BR 800. It was already getting on with the evening, so I had to hurry to finish before dark and I started trimming the ivy hedge and the laurel hedge.
The whole job took me a little over 6 hours and a trailer full of green waste!
And this video will have a sequel in October, as the Owner, after work, asked me to come back in the fall and clean up the yard behind the pond near the garden house, as it turns out there used to be a garden there and it's completely overgrown.
I'm afraid to imagine what kind of work I'll have to do.
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I didn't know that behind the garden house was a garden with a pond, waterfall and bridge that was completely overgrown and the owner asked me to come back again in the fall to clear it.


Mr.Kustorez, you did not only clean the yard, you did a wonderful job of making the place neat, tidy and handsomely beautiful. Your expertise in trimming is again shown in how you beautifully manicured the tall and thick hedges. I am very impressed of your strenght and stamina wrestling with those stubhorn hedges. Again always be careful with your noble work. God bless.


I'm not surprised you did a lot more in this neglected garden than the owner asked. You're a perfectionist and that is one of the reasons I do enjoy your work so much.


So therapeutic watching gardens transform from semi jungles to beautiful areas. Great job 😊😊


Well Mr. Green Jeans, you have outdone yourself, once again.
This transformation ranks in the Top#3 of your long list of accomplishments, by degrees of difficulty and effort !!
Well Done.


You are a good man Kustorez! It's obvious this person is experiencing some difficult times. You offer to help them is a true act of kindness and compassion. Well done!


Wow! They got the full monty: mowing, trimming, edging, AND patio paver cleaning! Looks great! 😊


What a difference! The quality of your work is outstanding. I am sure the home owner was beyond happy. If you do the pond and garden....maybe bring a friend? Thank you for doing so much extra work for this man. Stay safe! 😊


You brought back this home to its former glory!! You are truly the Master of hedges!! So enjoy learning from your videos!!


What an incredible difference you made. He must have been so grateful.
If he had it power washed it would probably be stunning with all that brick.


Not only are you one of the hardest workers on YouTube, you are also one of the kindest. You made a huge impact on this property, for a man who really needed help. Thank you for what you do. Thank you also for showing a peek at the pond. It was so nice seeing the fish and the flowers. I'll be anxiously awaiting October when you go back.


Every video of yours that I watch demonstrates that you are both a caring and decent man.


Thank you for helping this man with his yard. He did need help and you did a great job. God Bless you for helping.❤❤❤❤❤


Good afternoon everyone hope you are having a good day. Greetings from the USA. Good job stay safe


After a long week of work, I rushed home knowing there would be a Kustorez spectacular to see!
Another long day of work for you brought us another one of your masterpieces.


I love your channel, and I really appreciate that you collect and dispose of your green waste. Many of the America-based YT lawn care channels just drag the green waste out of frame and dump it behind the house 😆.


Ну наконец-то! А то переживала, куда пропал Кусторез. Как всегда идеальная работа, наше глубокое уважение перед человеком, у которого золотые руки.


I fully approve of the blackberry break! 😂 I am leading my church in restoring a shared courtyard and I had to pull out a load of brambles. Now I see I should have saved some for this time of year in case I need a snack. 😊 You are inspiring, as always.


The whole job was very satisfying to watch, but that shovel scrape on the brick was incredibly nice to see. Fantastic job Sir! 👍


Your work ethics and dedication to your craft speaks volumes....may GOD bless you in everything that you put your hands on....
