070: The Second Punic War - To the Victors...

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In this episode we bring the Second Punic War to a close, as Hannibal tries to conquer southern Italy, while the Scipio and Barcid families clash over control of the Iberian Peninsula. During the Spanish campaigns, Publius Scipio (the future Scipio Africanus) becomes the premier general of the Republic, bringing the fight to Africa itself as he clashes with Hannibal at their legendary confrontation at Zama.

Episode 070 Notes:

Episode 070 Transcript:

Intelligent Speech Conference 2022
Promo Code: AGE

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Thank you for not taking sides and selling us propaganda like your other YT peers are doing right now, I mean it. I'm glad I can trust you. Keep up the great content my friend.

Edit: 24:04 Nice.


I feel very much spoiled now...

... in the other sense of the word: turned into spoils.
