Mental Health - the responsibility on employers and employees

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There is a responsibility on employers to protect the health and safety of the people who work in their workplace and that includes their mental health and safety. So, clearly, employers play a key role in providing an environment that protects the mental health and wellbeing of their people.

Equally, there’s a responsibility on all of us to protect our own mental health too and we can do that when we understand what mental health is, when it becomes a problem and how mental ill-health affects a person's life, both at work and at home.

Now, that sounds simple, but, talking about mental health at work can be challenging and so this workshop aims to provide you with an understanding of mental health and specifically mental health issues, so you know how you can best support yourself and others in your workplace and promote a culture of wellbeing and a healthy working environment for the benefit of everyone.

One of our associates Ali Hollands, describes this really well when she relates it to an employer having the responsibility of providing an employee with a hard hat to wear when entering a particular site, but the employee then has to actually put it on!
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