Skyblivion 0.2 From Cheydinhal to wilderness

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Oblivion had the best dungeon/suspense music for sure.


Man, this music....nothing beats oblivion music .

actually, everything here feels nostalgic, can't believe it's dovahkiin walking in cheydinhal xD i was waiting for one of the npcs to say " go home dova you're drunk "


Hey Zilav pickup Flin Gleam near Bravil. The rare glass helmet that u can find submerged near the little island


Please don't tell me guard armor will still look like the Skyrim armor...that will KILL immersion.


Оооохх... Годика через два можно будет путешевствовать из какого нибудь винтерхолда в Хуул а оттуда в Анвил и обратно. Завалил дракона, выполнил квест дома хлаалу и на последок закрыл одни из врат обливиона. Да еще и Морровинд какие то умельцы на Андроид портируют. Красота.


Will the music be from the Oblivion OSt, Skyrim OST or both? It seems that both were used in the video


Are you choosing ruins at random or are you only choosing mostly finished ones? 


hey, i seen your video about how to install the skyblivion, and i dont really understand it:
Skywind scripts should work the same. To convert Oblivion's dialogs:

1) make a copy of oblivion.esm

2) load it in tes4edit

3) remove everything except dialogs group, remove dialog topics with formid less than 800 (they are hardcoded values and won't work in skyrim, usually a GREETINGS topic, maybe something else)

4) add oblivion.esm as a master

5) apply Before DIAL script

6) save, copy to Skyrim, and open in tes5edit

7) set starting formid for dialog branches in After DIAL script, should be a free space in oblivion.esm range to not overlap with everything. I think something like need to check in tes4edit.

8 ) Apply After DIAL script

9) Add skyblivion.esm as a master, apply "change load order of formid" script and set 01 to inject dialogs into Skyblivion.esm

10) Deep copy them to Skyblivion to merge

can someone please explain this (part 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10)...


все круто но надо стилизироать броню под обливион уж слишком на ружу лезет скайрим 


Hope that at least Cyrodiil in Skyblivion will look like in the originale game. Morrowind's atmosfere in Skywind is fucked up, thanks to new models, textures, bla bla bla. Guys, please, don't touch oblivion original models and textures!


This looks great but....the Argonians looked much better in Oblivion and are ugly in Skyrim. Will the final project have more Oblivion looking Argonians, or are they being replaced with the ugly Skyrim version?


Its a shame i got banned from the site, but i'll still help if you need me


lets see here... is this skyrim in oblivion graphics, or is this oblivion in skyrim graphics?

Sorry if this question was already answered, but cool mod anyways


Работа, конечно, проделана серьезная, но выглядит все это увы так себе, за исключением скайримовской анимации и камеры изза спины, а все остальное как-то уж печально... билборды теперь не билборды и в лицо не смотрят и вся растительность от этого выглядит крайне убого, тени в лесу какие-то странные, за такими высокими кронами должно быть темно, а светло как на поляне, освещение как таковое тоже не то, нет той обливионовской гаммы, розоватового оттенка неба, вода в скайриме выглядит как масло разлитое, но текстурку нормалей сменить не большая проблема. Лучше я пока в оригинал с модами порубаю, там все это пока выглядит гораздо лучше, а в помещениях и подземельях с хорошо настроенным енб вообще загляденье.
