Scariest Run-Ins With Unknown Predators

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Tune in for the scariest encounters with unknown predators, shared online and beyond!

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I love it when you have a possible explanation for each creature caught unlike other paranormal or cryptid videos.


I might be crazy but these stories make me wanna go out in the woods and see what I discover (or what discovers me…) but then I *really* think about these things actually existing and get thoroughly terrified!!


The unknown of nature is truly terrifying, real or not.


I’m from oklahoma and i can tell you, there are no albino giraffes living there except for one who is safely contained in a zoo to this day.


The first story: STOP BULLYING the tall albino guy that has trouble making friends!


Back in 2012, my fishing buddies were island camping and fishing near Jupiter Florida. We were near another island and fishing after dark. A person speaking in what sounded like a strange unknown chant-like language was dancing around a small fire. When I shined my light towards them they screamed and ran off. We eventually steered the boat closer to the small island. As we fished the structure near the island, a clear loud voice shouted in plain English. "You need to fish in deeper water, NOW !!!!" We pulled anchor and left.


The sentence: “Bananana_Breads heart almost stopped” really got me


It’s so funny how I love these videos and are very entertaining, but if it actually happened I would be scared for life😂


As a child, below 7, I used to always see movement out of the corner of my eye, like actual figures wearing color (probably clothes). It scared me at the time, but I chalked it up to imagination. What do you guys think?


Ive been watching you for 4 or 5 years how and it still getting better and better keep up the good work


The first one's literally just Slenderman without its tuxedo (edit) man its been over a year stop replying please good lord stop replying it's been 2 years /almost three years now and y'all still won't shut up but meh this was interaction bait any way well it wasn't at first


The first one just wanted a hug, the humans were just judgmental and mean-spirited😂


Imagine if Sasquatch could tame a bear, that’s one horrifying idea!


I got up to pee one night and saw a "Mario" running across the bedroom floor. It looked like the video game Mario but had a red shirt and yellow coveralls. Was the weirdest thing I ever saw. I chalked it up to me hallucinating and went on into the bathroom. Never have seen it again. I asked my kids what Mario character it was (even made a picture) but there is no Mario character those colors.


the first monster might have been a spirit bear that was sick and dying. they have been known to stand on both legs but not for that extent


Once I was Backyard camping with my BFF and we had just finished telling scary stories around the campfire and we were really spooked. When it approached 11:30 and we were going to sleep when we heard rustling leaves and footsteps coming close to our tent. My friend called out "Muuumm?" but our parents were upstairs asleep. It was much too loud to be a fruit bat or another animal. We started panicking and decided to run upstairs to safety for the night. In the morning I showed him this video and our experience was really similar to 'bushwalking partner.' since we live in Australia, we were terrified we would hear a twig snap behind us.😱


My spooky face to face was I just moved into my cabin about two or three months prior. Sleeping in my oversized hammock bout 7 ft off the ground. After blowing out my candle, pitch black, I heard a bipedal creature came running down my driveway, that was sand. And stopped about 6 or 8 feet from the end of my hammock. Scared basically shitless, I didn't make a noise, and neither did it. I finally fell asleep figuring if it was going to do something, it would have already done it. I live in the desert east of bend Oregon. And my experience is not the only weird story from around here.


Big foot can't survive a 5.56 green tip to the face, and it's good to hear your voice man. Your my favorite narrator


Hey we need more of these videos! I literally got chills watching this.


Once I was on a scout camp and could not get to sleep it was around 1:00am and then I heard a women shout “HELP!HELP ME!” Coming from the woods behind us I expected it was just my imagination because no one would be awake at that time and none of my friends woke up even though the cry’s for help sounded near by. But the next morning I herd the leaders talking about how one of them went out to try and help but found nothing and no one. The next night I had a dream about a creature with fur and it was tall and skinny but had no teeth and claws for fingers. But that was the last thing that could have been connected to the screams for help but I do hope the person is alright.
