Perfected Acolyte is Insane | Last Epoch Warlock Build Guide

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Please consider making a 1-30/31-60/61-100 step by step guide for newer players. Also, perhaps a modified loot filter for each as well. This would make it much more approachable versus just seeing your end-game setup so we know what items to save/shatter as we progress. Thank you for the great video as it looks like alot of fun to play!


Hey @Goblin Inc. - glad to see you getting into this space as I think you all do a great job with D4. As an LE veteran, I have a few suggestions:

- Indicate power of the build as to how far you can push Corruption, Arena waves, T4 Dungeons (not just "Level 100 Monoliths") - Players want to push further in corruption for more drops, infinitely scaling challenge and the associated benefits. A showcase of a T4 Julra kill or an Echo clear of 400+ corruption would go a long way to establishing credibility for the build and your viewerbase
- Judging from your planner - this is technically more of a Midgame build - indicate as such, especially with the gear showcased in your planner
- If using specific uniques, a good callout would be where to get the more target farmable ones (Ashes of Mortality, for instance - Drops in Soulfire Bastion)

Happy Hunting! Enjoy!


This video is a guide for a Last Epoch build that uses chaos bolt and various curses and dots to deal massive damage and survive in the late game. The video covers the skill setup, the passive tree, the gear choices, and some tips for playing the build.


[00:00:00] The concept of the build

Focuses on applying DOT effects with Chaos Bolt
Uses Fissure to cast Chaos Bolt automatically
Applies Ignite, Damned, Necrotic, and Witch Fire to enemies
Emphasizes high damage, survivability, and mobility

[00:01:19] The skill setup

Chaos Bolt: uses the splash AOE version for more DOT applications and has 100% ignite and damned chance
Transplant: generates mana and applies curses on hit, swaps into Aquatic skill for more damned chance, gains armor and damage reduction on use
Infernal Shade: has a large area of effect and can cast four shades, applies two ignites per second and has fire penetration, used against bosses and elites
Bone Curse: reduces enemy resistances by 25% with Marked for Death, explodes enemies on kill, creates a bone prison around enemies to trap them
Fissure: casts chaos bolt and spreads ignite and necrotic stacks, extends the duration of fissures by casting chaos bolt

[00:06:53] The passive tree

Acolyte: puts points into blood, bone, and soul
Warlock: puts points into chaos flames, soul stealer, ward of malice, dark protections, and other nodes that increase ignite and damned chance and damage, focus on ignite and damned chance, ward generation, and curse effects

[00:11:14] The gear choices

Uniques: recommends the ashes of mortality ring, the wheel of torment staff, and the bone clasp helmet, uses some uniques for ward generation, skill points, and DOT damage
Rares: focuses on resistances, armor, ward generation, and necrotic damage, stacks necrotic resistance for ward and armor benefits, prioritizes resistances, armor, and ward retention

[00:15:09] The tips for playing the build

Use transplant to apply and refresh bone curse
Use chaos bolt to extend fissure duration
Use infernal shade only against bosses and elites
Use bone curse manually to trap enemies in bone prison
Cast chaos bolt and fissure constantly

I hope this helps.


I swapped from my death seal lich to a chaos bolter and I enjoy it much more. Great video, thanks for some insights!


Warlock is such a fun mastery. Lots of different ways to focus on CF, love your version as well.


Big fan of your Warlock series. One request as others have said is to update your planner. The information in your videos is great and the explanations are thorough. But are hard to follow when you are in your 60s -> 100 journey trying to gear up and progress. Target affixes per gear on your T20 gear would go a long way to being able to farm the legendaries that replace them. I think people are learning to tweak their loot filters now and they are pretty widely available. So no biggy there. Mostly just a maybe lvl 60 planner in addition to endgame so people can see that medium step to progression.


Very nice build, will give this a run when getting home from work.


You should update the planner, as those spells stop at level 21. Also an update for the spells above level 24, they stop now at 23.


I wonder what corruption you are. Bc these items are weak (but the helmet). the stats are low. and if you are not using soul feast, the staff doesn't do much, I guess. I believe Marina's lost soul is better, but I'm using now an exalted. also, the ward of malevolence works while channeling. ward and threshold on kill too low. this build is wonderful. so fast on cleaning mobs that you can't even see if some curse and ailments are working lol.


I'm wondering which leveling build should I follow. Any ideas? PS: great content as usual!


use the necrotic resistance that gives % damage in the fissure tree and over spec tha res.


The Maxroll guide build is considerably stronger, im killing bosses before they even enter my shreen. Exiled mages die in seconds


Are you going to get back into D4 Necro builds? I'm waiting on your Black River minions build.


Is the necrotic damage on Bone Curse actually worth it?

The duration of Mark of Death gets reset by our chaos bolts anyways while the actual damage of the curse is quite low; it's a utility skill.

Would it not make more sense to put those 5 points into 100% chance of armor shred?

Also, what about casting bone curse on chaos bolts cast? Or that one is just wanting to put the point elsewhere?


thank you for sharing video, please include some numbers, a boss kill or some dummy dps or something, "trust me its great" is a little frustrating.


Hi, im lvl 31, do you recommend using the loot filter already or not ? :)


Would this build work well with the Spine of Malatros 2H weapon? I've been trying to build around it as I love the effects it has on fissure, just struggling a bit.


Currently running a similar build. Trying to get to 1k Necro Res, currently at 800 ish. This build has ruined all other classee for me. Warlock is officially my main.


Nice one! Can you run this from scratch or do we lvl with a starter build and switch to this later on?


Passives in the planner aren't the same as in the video. Which one is more up to date?
