The Price of Civilization | Jeffrey Sachs | Talks at Google

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"The Price of Civilization"

As he has done in dozens of countries around the world in the midst of economic crises, Sachs turns his unique diagnostic skills to what ails the American economy. He finds that both political parties—and many leading economists—have missed the big picture, offering shortsighted solutions such as stimulus spending or tax cuts to address complex economic problems that require deeper solutions. Sachs argues that we have profoundly underestimated globalization's long-term effects on our country, which create deep and largely unmet challenges with regard to jobs, incomes, poverty, and the environment. America's single biggest economic failure, Sachs argues, is its inability to come to grips with the new global economic realities.

Yet Sachs goes deeper than an economic diagnosis. By taking a broad, holistic approach—looking at domestic politics, geopolitics, social psychology, and the natural environment as well—Sachs reveals the larger fissures underlying our country's current crisis. He shows how Washington has consistently failed to address America's economic needs. He describes a political system that has lost its ethical moorings, in which ever-rising campaign contributions and lobbying outlays overpower the voice of the citizenry. He also looks at the crisis in our culture, in which an overstimulated and consumption-driven populace in a ferocious quest for wealth now suffers shortfalls of social trust, honesty, and compassion.

Finally, Sachs offers a plan to turn the crisis around. He argues persuasively that the problem is not America's abiding values, which remain generous and pragmatic, but the ease with which political spin and consumerism run circles around those values. He bids the reader to reclaim the virtues of good citizenship and mindfulness toward the economy and one another. Most important, he bids each of us to accept the price of civilization, so that together we can restore America to its great promise.
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Capitalism can never work for the majority by definition because it encourages a take over by the few. The USA is an example of extreme capitalism and it is a third world country. Pot holed roads, archaic railways, no health care, and millions upon millions trying to live in old shacks called mobile homes, and each and every U.S. citizen owes around $ 400, 000. A young person has two choices, go to college and get a massive debt around their neck or try to get a low paying job in one of the large retail outlets. If I was unfortunate to be born in the U.S.A I would be out of there as soon as I was able.


he literally predicted the rise of trump in q&a.


This guy is amazing. He understands government and I want to vote for him.


Honest and sincere with a great heart.


He predicted Bernie. But nearly no one could imagine people caring about getting money out of politics


Brilliant! Jeffrey Sachs, you're awesome :)


10, 351 views (as of this post)

^There's the problem


Google: Do not disturb my page last warning


'The Price of Civilization'
Yes. Human civilization. Human beings who seem to have forgotten before the civilization they must have be born and born in a reality they have created and consider a life of hope. Instead of that the price of civilization has been for millions and millions pain, misery, suffering. Millions have been ruined, exploited, millions have been treated with contempt. For some people to drink tea, lands must be grabbed with violence from others elsewhere. Millions must be impoverished.
Morality, ethic, hope and the search of the glory of God can be the price of civilization.


war machine budget is higher than 50% in 2018.


Yeah and Thatcher did exactly the same thing in Britian. Who would ever think putting the fox incharge of the hen house wouldn't work out?


Brilliant talk as usual, misgivings over the Internet's capacity to eliminate malfeasance and venality from politics though. Creative technologies and platforms are well harnessed by all sides of the political argument to promulgate policy and help secure more votes. Extra imperious online presence isn't sufficient to increase accountability of any political party.


Woodrow Wilson Got the Federal Reserve into Play on the 23rd of December 1913. When Most of Congress was Going Home for Christmas. How many Red Herrings ? 😎


0:18 here from the future, 2023, didn't get 'er done .
Not enough profit in actually solving problems, so yyyeeeaaahhh 😞😖


I have victorya medal sir can you take from nepal


55:38 - Why do they laugh when he says "Italy"? Am I missing something obvious?


Dr. Sachs says the government (both parties) are completely incompetent, yet he calls for more government? Dr. Sach's seems to miss what is right in front of him. Private companies like Google are what make this country great while the federal government is representative of all that impedes our progress.


Nothing against Jeff, but I had the feeling the first guy at the end with questions was trying to get an answer to a question that didn't get answered...and then was ignored.


Every time you over centralize power & authority you have abuse. Food prices: you can track the rise of food prices with the rise of Corporations running big farms & increasing costs of pesticides & fertilizers. Historically cutting spending & taxes on everyone causes a boom in the economy.


The comment section doesn't understand what has been said, the presentation is not very clear and is misrepresented particularly on economics. To begin with Reaganomics, it was not only about reducing tax for the rich or slashing programs for the poor, it was about a severe sin of turning America from a nation state into a corporation run as a market. Whoever benefit from the government program, must pay (demand side economics), continued into Biden era, when vaccines for India are conditional, the pandemic means nothing, even if you expect India to serve in anti-China QUAD. However, Sachs is right about Obama stimulus being ineffective, is a warning for Biden. Sachs is right about nothing is getting done in US, not a mile of high speed train line, as he complains. Biden with workers' union, just might pull off a tax increase recovery of the state in general, in line with AOC's 70 % tax, but he will have to make a FDR type deal with the workers, give up competition with China and replacing 'rivalry' with 'cooperation' as Obama and Clinton advised.
