4 HONEST reasons why Americans prefer WORKING in Germany over America.

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Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well. I recently received a comment from one of my subscribers regarding why would so many Americans hope to move to Germany, especially when the US is largely regarded as the land of opportunity.

In this video, I attempt to engage with this thought provoking question by sharing testimonies from Americans that I have met here. I also provide my reasoning for wanting to move over 😉. I hope you enjoy!

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Lastly, here's the link to the article I mentioned in the video for those who are interested:



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Hey Chris, I have been working in Germany as a software engineer since 2007, and I agree with you on all those points. I appreciate being able to take 4 weeks vacation, and visit Wisconsin, and I do also appreciate the work-life balance. Of course there are still workaholics here, just like in the states too - but most people balance their family and work life pretty well. It also seems to me that no one is bothered much by paying for universal health care. I myself pay the highest bracketed amount, but I am happy to be able to support those who don't earn that much, that everyone can have health care.


Great video! I love how diplomatically you speak on these somewhat controversial subjects. We moved to Germany 3 months ago from America and for all the reasons (and a few more) that you mentioned in your video. Quality of life is higher in Germany in general, than in America for sure! I think Indians should consider immigrating to Germany and many other European countries instead of just America.


I always find it fascinating that so many US-Americans call themself true christians, but when it comes to sharing the burden of health insurance thy cry 'communism'.


Very nice, thoughtful video. My German friend lived near Sacramento, some 6h drive from Yosemite. She said the same thing as you, Chris: "It was easier for me to visit Yosemite when I lived in Germany than now, when I live in California." In 2012 she too moved back to Germany (Munich).


The solidarity pays off in the end. You get social security, less crime, less weapons, less head aches when the shit hits the fan and some accidents happen to you or your family.


Chris is very reflected about his own life. He knows his priorities.


Can't wait to move out to Munich next year from London. I've been watching your videos to prepare and as a fellow brother it's daunting! But I'm excited. 😎


I have great news for you: Your 30 vacation days do not include weekends, so if you work five days a week, that's a full six weeks of leave so almost a month and a half of paid vacation.


Thanks for your great vid and your thoughts, you've shared with us. I really do like when you're answering to peoples comments. That is very special and I enjoy it very much.
The american system may have some advantages as long as you are on the bright side of life. But since life brings cloudy days, it's nice to live in a society, where you can count on a social system like in Germany. It might not all being perfect, but still better than working hard but also falling hard if trouble comes.


I am German, have been working long hours for many years but i myself decided this. It is not that a company forces this on you. And that's freedom. Money doesn't solve all problems and lots of work has a negative impact on health, family and happiness.


My dad paid into the social sécurité even though he didn't have to (selfemployed physician). When he retired, he started to travel and brought home some very nasty livre bug. He said no private insurance would have covered the treatment he required. AOK saved his life.


Love your reasons for living in Germany, man. That was brilliant. Great vid, bruv :))


Dear Friend
Working hard is a part of i think german charakter BUT we do understand to relax. Everyone needs some time for the family, the Kids .Specially the kids.
Can money buy happiness???


I think it is important to get off of work and have vacations and with 6 weeks paid vacation you can easily split it into Srping vacation Sumemr vacation and Winter vacation for example. So you can reload your tanks and go travel somewhere. Some studies show that it is better for companies and for the productivity if the workers get their time of.


For me the biggest difference between US work culture and german work culture is the way we see economy. Germany thinks economy from the standpoint of workers, the US more so from the companies perspektiv. We still have strong unions and laws which protect workers. Not to mention the 'Betriebsrat'. I also see that in the US all jobs that don't require a college degree are not respected in society.


From what I have heard Germany definitely wins when it comes to raising a family. Paid maternity leave (I think paternity leave as well), free and good education, health insurance (births can get pricy in the US, right?), affordable child care, work hours that allow you to spend time with your family, the possibility to take time off work if your child is sick (in my country it's paid time off, I think it also is in Germany), ....

Also another reason why Americans come to Germany is travel I would say. With that amount of vacation days and the geographical location it is so much easier to travel to another country. And also cheaper, because you don't necessarily have to fly.


There is a big difference between working hard and working smart.


1. Arbeitszeitgesetz
2. Urlaub
3. Feierabend!
4. Lohfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall


I am happy that you have made a video about it. Thank you so much for it. Because I am confused between Germany and America.


Nice reflections! I think one of the main reasons, that views on work live balance and sozialized society just came from European history! A lot of wars and conflicts and social problems changed perspective. Although the funny thing for Germany is, that our basic social security network was developed by Bismarck to a) keep the left wing parties at distance and b) to deal with rather practical issues, means there were simply too few young and healthy men for the military available cause of the catastrophic social circumstances that developed in early industrialization.
