The Curse of Winning the 5th HOH on Big Brother

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Winning the 1st, 3rd, or 4th HOHs can be a great thing for your game. But the 5th? Don't even think about it. Throughout 26 seasons of Big Brother, a pattern has arisen showing that whoever wins the 5th Head of Household becomes cursed in the game, and cannot win the game. Don't believe me? Let me prove it. THIS is the curse of winning the 5th HOH on Big Brother.

I don't own the clips, all rights go to CBS or Viacom or whoever they belong to, just don't copyright me please.

#ethanimale #bigbrother #bb26

00:00 Early HOHs are hit or miss
01:01 Produced 0 winners
01:47 Evicted right afterwards
05:20 Evicted first time they weren't immune
09:23 Ruined their game in week 5
12:28 Cursed without doing anything wrong
17:42 The 3 exceptions
18:30 Summary
19:21 Ending
20:16 Bible Buddies
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From what I’ve noticed, it’s one of 3 things that make it cursed:

1. Certain houseguests try to make the BIGGEST endgame moves at this time, but it’s still to early to do so at that moment.

2. Week 5 is usually when some twist gets added that ppl don’t fully concept as a part of their game yet.

3. The houseguests usually start to take things to a personal level at this stage, and don’t think about “reading the room” per se.


So interesting to see how 5th HOH is not only cursed but how many times twist were connected to that week


The fact that this was proved after last night eviction is crazy


“If anything, we were the ones who got cursed with her fifth HOH”

Don’t read Christmas to filth like that 💀💀


"One of them was Aaryn and one of them was Christmas!" 😂


I could argue for michael being cursed because his rope broke in the double eviction and he was blindsided by turner and monte after


Tucker has continued both curses
1st one to walk in door
5th HOH Winner


It really really *really* doesn't help Aaryn's case that she was both the 2nd AAAAND 5th HOH of her season.
Also Aaryn sucks, that is all.


Paul's second loss was probably one of the most laughable moments. His jury management was so incredibly bad, that all of the people who voted against him did so just because they were salty


I noticed that a majority of the 5th HOHs were screwed over by twists of the season.

Because it’s right before Jury and typically Week 5 is the downtime from the previous opening season twist, but jury always starts with a new twist for a couple of weeks.


Michael was so cursed. The veto competition that would've saved him had malfunctions and robbed him from a rightful victory. I normally hate comp beasts comp beasting to the end, but he didn't deserve to be evicted over something he had no control over.


another curse to add to the list

- don't walk in 1st
- don't walk in 4th
- don't walk in 7th
- don't win the 1st head of household
- don't win the 2nd head of household
- don't win the 5th head of household


Tucker trying to break all the curses this season


Chima's HOH reign will forever be one of the biggest injustices in BB history. At the end of the day, she was the cause of her own expulsion, but CBS screwed up big time doing that to her, or really anyone in the house. The coup detat was such an overpowered twist and wasn't fair to anyone else in the house.


Off topic but Did anybody know Chima survived a sexual assault and attempted murder from a serial killer?? I randomly saw her on a episode of cold case files about the bathtub killer. I was stunned.


Chima got completely screwed over by a broken power! Bayleigh screwed herself when she told Rachel her power! Jared screwed himself when he fought & argued with Cory in the Have Not room!


Note to self, if ever on Big Brother don't become 5th HoH or I might become Christmas


It was nice seeing nakomis, she was my favorite player the season I started watching, I had a Native American Elder as a babysitter, and when Nakomis revealed her name, they were hooked, and then I found out my sisters watched Big brother, a few of my favorite teachers; BB5 was the perfect season to start for me, because of all the twists; from the sibling thing to the twins to what Nakomis' hair would look like, there were so many conversations that summer, and I fell in love with this show, it's easy to forget about players from earlier seasons, which is why it's understandable Nakomis isn't often shown, but when she is it brings such nostalgia...


The curse strikes again. R.I.P. Tucker.


came back to the video after tucker went home the 5th hoh curse is strong
