Malignant Brain Tumor Surgery – What You Need to Know

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Questions Answered:
1. When is surgery needed for the diagnosis of a Malignant Brain Tumor? 0:14
2. Is surgery preformed along with other treatment options? 1:06
3. What type of surgical options are there and when are they used? 1:38
4. How should people select where to have malignant brain tumor surgery? 2:47
5. What to expect when having malignant brain tumor surgery? 3:43
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I’m going through this right know and I am very scared they found me a very small tumor and my question is if they would to remove it would I forget who I am ? Since they say that it’s very dangerous when they open your head ??


Love to see that Indian doctor are saving life.


14/08/2023 Moro no Brasil. Sou portadora de um astrocitoma grau 2. Operei 2 vezes e fiz 31 sessões de radiotetapia. Estou fazendo quimioterapia oral. Agora disseram que e inoperável. Tenho 29 anos. Gostaria de saber como fazer uma consulta por telemedicina para saber se existe uma luz no fim do túnel para mim.


I had brain tumour surgery couple of months ago but I got pain come and go.
