Remembering Cleo

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On August 31st, I said goodbye to my sweet baby Cleo. It was her 13th birthday. She was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on October 30th 2023 and given only 2-3 weeks to live. She exceeded all expectations by not only living, but thriving for 10 more months! In the past few weeks her health started to decline and we knew our time together was running out. I knew I had to make a very hard decision.

Cleo died at home in my arms this past weekend. Her passing was calm and peaceful and she did not suffer. My husband and I are absolutely heartbroken by this loss. I've had Cleo since she was a tiny little baby. She was born at my aunt's house when they took in a street cat who turned out to be pregnant. I've had her since she was about 10 weeks old and I've loved her so deeply, the loss feels significant.

After her terminal cancer diagnosis I was shocked and distraught. One of the first things I did was record her purring so that I'd always have it available to listen to. I really believe cat purrs are healing. This is the audio you're listening to now.

I know many of you have gotten used to seeing Cleo in my videos over the years. I'm so thankful I have those to look back on. She died right in this yoga room, in my arms on the green and white blanket I always keep in the corner. It feels surreal to know that she's gone. Grief is not easy.

I've spent most of the past year in anticipatory grief. I've been afraid to leave the house for too long and constantly worrying about whether or not she was in pain or if the end was near. I was terrified of her dying while I wasn't home and really worried the end would be traumatic. There's a part of me that is lighter now, knowing that it's done and that it was peaceful and without pain. Of course the rest of me feels heavy with loss.

I loved her so much and miss her deeply.. Putting this little montage together was therapeutic for me and I thought I'd share it here since many of you had gotten used to seeing her periodically on my channel.

I believe she was ready to go and knew what was happening. I'm grateful to have had so much more time with her than the vet's thought was possible and know we gave her the best life. I can't believe she's really gone.

Rest in peace sweet angel Cleo.
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Thank you everyone for your kind words and messages. I'm slowly reading them all..


I have a lump in my throat as I listen to the purr and watch this beautiful video play. I have been a kitty Mom many times and when I have to give one up to a higher place I remember what a good life they had. Sorry for your loss Kassandra. Be well.


As Queen Elizabeth said, “Grief if the price we pay for love.” My heart goes out to you. 💕


My deepest sympathies. My kitty, Everett, passed away in my arms at home peacefully in December. I am heart broken beyond my imagination. Your words resonate with me very much. Thank you for sharing your photos, words, and her purrs. Peace and love.


the passing of a pet can be so devastating. I wish you strength and light to deal with this loss.


Cleo will be missed. Such a queen. I will hug my cats tight today.


My heart goes out to you. 💔 As another cat momma who lost my baby of 15 years in March, I understand the grief. I made a similar montage and I still get choked up.

"How lucky we are to have loved so deeply that makes saying goodbye so hard."


I started crying immediately. What a gorgeous tribute. I will tape my cat's purring too. All my love goes out to you and your partner and other pets ❤❤


Oh Kassandra my heart hurts for you my dear ❤ I think I can say we all truly adored Cleo 😻 She was certainly the Queen of the Yoga Studio and she will be missed 😢


Kassandra, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Cleo. I wept while watching the montage and reading your message. Thank you for taking your grief and love for Cleo seriously-- she was not "just a cat" and that came through so well in your message. Sending you comfort and peace.


Beautiful Cleo! I loved seeing you on the mat with your mom/mum. Sending you beautiful wishes as you cross the rainbow 🌈 bridge to pet heaven. You are still there in so many videos, never gone, never forgotten. Love these purrs x


I've been doing your yoga classes for 6 years now and darling Cleo was just such a fixture of your videos (and Luna 🩷). My daughter loved seeing her pop up in your videos. Through you she has graced many hearts around the world with her virtual presence 🩷 wishing you strength and love, Kassandra 🩷


My cat William passed away yesterday. He lived 19 years, but it still feels like he wasn't here long enough. 😢 Wishing you the best through this difficult time of mourning. As a cat lover myself, I loved seeing Cleo join you in your videos. She made them special. ❤️


I only came across your yoga channel this morning, and I was scrolling to see what else you offered.
Then I saw this. My heart melted, and I started crying. Cleo loved you as much as you did her. I'm so sad for you, losing fur babies is so hard, the pain never rely goes, it lies dormant. In time you will be better but there will always be triggers.
Take care💔❣️


I will miss Cleo too. I have done yoga online with you for many years, and have seen Cleo in your earliest videos. She has always been a highlight of your classes. Sometimes I replay sections just to enjoy Cleo, and other kittens, again. I share your grief and thank you for sharing these peaceful and beautiful memories, and the purring. Serenity...and Peace.😾♥


What a beautiful tribute to your precious kitty, Cleo 😢 wonderful photos and memories So much LOVE ❤️ thank God for our animals as they can love us like no other beings can 🥰Praying your heart is healing each day and thank you for all you do for us 🙏🧘‍♀️ and all your animals Kassandra 🐴🐕🐈🐓


I just lost my kitty Lucy (another beautiful Calico) at 13 too to cancer July 31st. She was absolutely wonderful - the purring in your video made me cry, Lucy was purring in my arms when we had to put her down. Thank you for sharing - it helped me too <3


Thank you for sharing. This is a beautiful video, purr, and letter. It is hard to say goodbye to a dear friend.


Oh I feel your sadness. We lost our Harry on Thursday Aug 30th and I sobbed, he was 19 years old and ready to go. I love the sound of her purr, thank you for doing this. Much love and peace to you.


The eyes are the window to the soul, and I can tell by looking at her eyes that Cleo loved you so much.
