What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER

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Test your survival skills as you make really hard choices. This mind-blowing test requires all your attention – choosing the right option in critical situations in reality can save your life one day. Escaping form the top floor of a skyscraper, getting out of a cave, picking the right door to freedom, running away from a haunted castle and breaking free from a mad scientist’s lab – let’s see if you can do it all.

Elevator Escape 0:33
The Cave Crisis 2:16
The Door to Freedom 4:24
The Haunted Castle 5:26
A Dangerous Game 7:13

-You have to pick one elevator to get out of the building before the demolition starts.
-Which of the five tunnels will you choose to get out of the cave crisis?
-Decide which of the three doors will set you free from prison.
-Escape from a haunted castle on Halloween by picking the right door.
-Outsmart the mad scientist and win your freedom back. All you have to do is choose one of the three doors to go through.

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In the first choice, I'd have to go with the spider. You're much more likely to avoid being bit by one spider than a cabin full of mosquitoes. After all, mosquitoes are blood suckers, while the spider would only attack out of self defense if provoked.


The first one is VERY incorrect. You honestly think that an elevator full of mosquitos is just gonna leave you alone? I'd rather go in the spider one, thanks. Sure it might have very deadly venom, but,
1. I could step on it.
2. It probably wouldn't bother me anyway because spiders are pretty cool most of the time.


I lost only in the first cause I thought if the elevators door open the water would came out


video title:::The hardest test ever
Me:::Bro come to my


Am I the only one who wanted to smash that spider on the first challenge? Like one spider vs shoe, who would win?


Yes, we can be sure that some of the mosquitos will bite, since they're so many. However, we can't be sure that the spider will attack. Also, it's one small spider. Considering the options, I would totally risk it, pick the spider and try to stomp it to death. There you actually stand a chance (and if you fail it's a quick death)


4:12 aren't humans technically animals tho


I got all of them besides the trick question, and that was cheap sauce


Okay, well for the first one, the first answer is correct. Your logic is kind of off. You say “the mosquitos might not bite you, they may leave you alone” but mosquitos always bite you. One spider will leave you alone if you don’t touch it or move too much... plus it’s a spider. Squish it or something.


That spider probably wouldn't have bitten anyone, because most times spiders just mind their own business.


If you open the elevator with boiling water the water just flottes away lol


If you chose the boiling water, you could of ran away from the door before it opens. Then after that, you hop in the elevator.


The first one makes no sense at all. Mosquitoes will most definitely bite no matter what. I thinking the spider one is more practical because if you leave it alone it’s not gonna bite. If you watch Brave Wilderness he handles a black widow and it didn’t even bite so yea 🤷‍♀️👀


Well the spider can’t be bigger than a tennis ball so i would take that and try to avoid being close to it. Who tf would take an elevator full of mosquitos.


The “cereal” killer was in the second but in the doors it was the 3rd


As someone who's been trapped in caves, and buildings and kidnapped by a mad scientist, I do confirm that I get a box of cereals very time.


u didn't say the spider was aggressive


Let’s think about the first question logically
1. The elevator with the venomous spider
Spiders aren’t hostile animals and quite shy. They won’t attack unless threatened.

2. The elevator filled with dangerous mosquitoes
Unlike spiders, we are among the animals that mosquitoes do attack. If anything, you’ll be lucky to get through without fainting from blood loss.
Besides, if these mosquitoes really are that dangerous, you’ll die before they make the vaccine.

3. The elevator with boiling water in the shaft
NO, the water won’t just drain out when the door opens. The water is in the SHAFT, not the cabin (where you are). However, as you’re going down, the water will start to leak and eventually fill the elevator.

The first elevator would be the safest choice, but it’s your life.
Please don’t go to the top floor of a skyscraper before it’s about to be demolished


Seriously?? Dragons DO NOT EXISIT, lol.


The 1st and 3rd should be correct because, the spider wouldn't even bite you unless you disturb it so it would just leave you alone unlike the mosquitos, the boiling water would already spilled out into the cabin before the doors open, and when it opens it will all spill out from the cabin already.
