INSIDE OUT | Trailer 2 - UK | Official Disney UK

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Check out the original trailer for Inside Out from Pixar Animation Studios!

From an adventurous balloon ride above the clouds to a monster-filled metropolis, Academy Award®-winning director Pete Docter (“Monsters, Inc.,” “Up”) has taken audiences to unique and imaginative places. In Disney•Pixar’s original movie “ Inside Out,” he will take us to the most extraordinary location of all—inside the mind.

Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.

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I love how they show that Riley's emotions are uncontrolled while her parent's are settled. You can see anger takes control of dad's emotions and sadness of mom's but they all work as a team and aren't exaggerated as much as Riley's . Shows how as you grow you learn to handle your emotions.


Disney could EASILY make an Inside Out 2! It could take place a few years later with Riley being much older and discovering what love is! Thus the new emotion "LOVE" appearing in the headquarters causing conflict with all the other emotions.


I love how the adult emotions are working together simultaneously and Reilly's emotions are more independent. I think this is because as we grow older we gain more control on our emotions but when younger these emotions come out of no where some times


It seems as though each adult is guided by a different emotion. Mom is guided by sadness, Dad is guided by anger and fear. We see in the adults an ability to regulate and exert control over their emotions. When we look into the kid's mind however, we see no order or hierarchy as to how each emotion handles the situation, much like how children are unsure of how to handle their emotions in a responsible manner, a skill that comes with age.
Idk. I'll be able to make a full analysis of the movie once I see it.


I know I'm looking too much into this, but that helicopter pilot looks like the type of guy who just moves from girl to girl while the dad seems more like a family man.


Notice how dad's anger seem he has more control and know what he's doing. He even need the keys from every other emotion to "put the foot down". While Ryley's anger just went out of control, suggesting that as people grow more mature they can manage their emotions better.

No? oh then maybe it's just me...


High levels of SASS!!

I love that line so much for some reason.


I like how, when the girl says "School was great, okay?", the Fear character says "What was that? I thought we were supposed to act casual!" I think it represents what it's like inside of a growing mind because they try to not have an attitude, but you're upset for no reason and feeling sassy for no reason but you feel bad afterwards because you don't mean to overreact. I don't know, I really like that part.


What I like most is how the Parent's emotions have matured. Mom's Sadness has evolved to become the more compassionate and sympathetic one as she takes the role of support in the family. Dad's Anger (while less prone to outbursts) has become more focused, and takes control of the matter at hand as he's the 'leader' of the Family. Nice touch there Pixar.


Pixar actually comes out with an interesting and new concept and people tear it apart because they projected their own biased opinion of what it "means" onto a 2:00 minute trailer for a kids movie. Gee, I can't wait for every single movie to follow the exact same bland, family-friendly-to-the-extreme-so-as-not-to-offend-anyone, unadventurous formula because people can't open their minds enough to enjoy an original concept for a Pixar movie. And all because someone was able to stretch their ideals thin enough to accuse this movie of injustice. 


Am I the only one who noticed that it was Anger that brought out the happy memory of the Brazilian Helicopter pilot not Joy


In the USA trailer the father is watching hockey


After I saw this movie and was walking out of the theater I said to myself "Is that what really happens inside my head?


I'll be honest, I'm really looking forward to this movie.


Did anyone ever think...what would a dog's emotions be like?


Saw the trailer. Fell in love. Saw the movie. Stayed in love.


Note to self: never read Youtube comments again.


"For THIS, we gave up that Brazilian Helicopter Pilot?!" BEST LINE EVER!!! :-D


How did brown eyes and brown make green eyes blonde hair?


I love the intricate little details they put into this idea.  First, it's cool how the mother's emotions all share her hair, and the dad's share his mustache.  Also, I like how the parents' emotions work as a team, while the daughter's don't co-operate very well, due to adolescence probably.  Plus, the mother's command emotion being sadness and the father's being anger is pretty straight on.
