Yemin 62. Bölüm | The Promise Season 1 Episode 62

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The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?

Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

#yemin #thepromiseseries #reymir
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Summary chapter in English
The novel begins when Emir confesses his love, promises that together they will start a new life, Reyhan remembers their wedding night where they consummated their marriage and says I trust you, I believed, and you hurt me a lot, you stretched your hand and I gave you my hand, I thought that there could be a future between us but you have made me suffer. Emir says Reyhan, I am the guilty of everything I was also forced to marry now it's different, I'm another everything, everything I've done wrong I'll change it. Please leave me alone says Reyhan, emir tries to insist and she says please I beg you. Emir goes to the office, desperate does not know what to do remember what he talked with Reyhan before, receives a call from Yonja where he asks to visit Cemre as it could help her recover looking at photographs and remembering the past, Emir tries to refuse but he insists until he gets Emir to accept. He returns to the room and they meet Reyhan and asks her if he scared her and she says no, but he realizes that he has his injured hand, he looks at it as if saying his character. Emir goes with his mother who asks him if Reyhan goes and he says no, Cavidan asks him if there is a problem and he denies it. Arriving at the hospital Cemre insists that only Emir can help him remember, shows him photographs where they appear, Cavidan realizes the intentions of Cemre and has no memory loss. There were pictures of her birthday where Zafer also appears, she tells him that they are always together, everywhere and insists on remembering their past friendship. Cemre realizes that he has a wounded hand and asks what happened and he says nothing important but Cemre insists Cavidan tells him not to exaggerate that it is not important, Emir tries to avoid it but insists, finally this woman manages to get Emir to take her to the coast with the excuse that she will take fresh air and will serve as therapy. Reyhan remembers what Emir told him when he believed that she was dead, that without her he could not survive, etc. She thinks that perhaps if these words had been heard before, it would be different. (I interpret it because it is confusing), the picture of the wedding drops from her hands and she starts to cry. Emir receives a call from Zafer and Cemre takes advantage of seeing her phone, Cavidan asks what she is doing and she tells him that by answering a message London and Cavidan is said to catch you, catch you. Reyha continues to cry and says my heart, my life is all shattered and I do not know if I can forget it. Suna asks about dinner at night, they answer that they are working on that. Suna goes to Reyhan. On the way to the coast Cemre tells Emir that she feels very good and that she is relaxed, Emir almost does not answer and she tells him that her head hurts Emir tells her that she must have patience that will gradually recover, she He continues to insist that they could go somewhere together. Emir has realized what his intentions are and talks to him about Zafer and that with him he could also try to remember something. Suna goes where Reyhan asks her if she's okay, she tells him not so much, Suna tells her they're preparing for dinner and if she can make a soup dish since she likes it a lot as she cooks, of course Reyhan replies . Once on the coast Emir remembers the beautiful moments he has lived with his wife. Cemre insists on approaching him and being affectionate but Emir only thinks of Reyhan, Cemre continues to insist, he begins to approach little by little and they begin to talk to him about moments that they lived together in bonfires, dances on the beach, in the evenings, other moments, Emir, visibly annoyed, says that at sunsets he relates them to the communal dinners in Ramadan. Emir calls her sister but Cemre thinks it is Reyhan, He tells her how you are fond, she replies that well and that Reyhan is preparing a delicious soup, he says you are going to talk to Reyhan and without waiting for an answer he passes the phone to Reyhan and insists that he talk to Emir, he tries to avoid that contact but does not succeed, the conversation between them is distant, reyhan asks where he is and he replies that with Cemre on the coast, she says Greetings, he asks what time he returns and he tells him that soon, all this influenced by Suna. When Cemre realizes that Emir left her pretend to have a headache, he tells her that he will take her to the doctor and Cemre replies that one should not exaggerate but Emir does not pay much attention to what is happening. The dinner arrives and they comment that both Emir and Reyhan are not at the table, Cavidan goes to Reyhan's room and tells him I know my son loves you, he even loves you, and I know that you too but Cemre is a dangerous woman that you want Emir and if you do not take care of your marriage she can destroy it


I love how cavidan changed a lot! Now she's with Reyhan's side. Bravo!


Cavidana melek gibi olmak cok yakiwiyor .super olmuw yaa


Çook güzel bi bölümüydü reyhan aglamasin artik yeter gülsün canlansin yaa ismet (bey) hanim geldiyinde nasil da açmiş çiçək gibiydi civil civil öyle olsun


He has to earn that trust. He broke her so many times . And if what he says is really true then he should start wooing his wife and grovel his way to her heart. Love is nurtured and grows each passing day.


Hahah loved the scene when emir removed jemry head from his shoulder😂😂


Dear Reyhan is so confused about Emir and his declaration of his LOVE for her, because he has hurted her too many times. And the evil Cemre is up to her evil ways trying to trick Emir. I am so glad and happy that Cavidan is now standing by and supporting Reyhan like a mother should by telling her that Emir really loves her she knows Reyhan loves Emir, and for her to be very careful of Cemre, because she's is a very dangerous person. Even the whole household is rallying around Reyhan but hopefully she won't be hurt again by Emir. But I think we're in for another heartbreak for Reyhan in Episode 63, but I'm hoping that it won't be too painful for her.


Allahin salami olsun. Allah Reyhan kimi ğelin qismet et subay olan kiwilermize hem temkinli, sebirli ve ğözel qelbli bir qizdi hal olsun terbiye Ilahi butun ogul Analara bu seryalada oynayan Reyhan kimi ğelin nesib et Amin inwallah


Some golden words by Çavidan. So true.😄


Maybe Emir should've kissed Her first instead of explaining about his feelings. Reyhan would have thought that Emir's feelings for her is true. Chaaar😁🥰


İşte bir kazada bizim oğlan geçirir reyhan kıymet anlar barışırlar vuslata ererler kanımca amin😍


Allah bütün oruc tutanların orucunu niyyetini qebul eylesin inşallah


Emir, it doesn’t happen that way, for the fact that you confessed all your mistakes does not mean that Reyhan will jump on you and shout hurray. You’ve got to woo her back to trust you and give you her heart once again.


Правильно сделала Рейхан не державь руку Эмира, после пережитого, Эмир думает просто так Рейхан держить его руку и согласитьс, а горе которое пережила Рейхан, конечно такое невозможно забыть.конечно гордость девушки выше стоит.


Cemre: gün batımıni hatırlıyormusun bana hep.lise yıllarını hatırlatıyor
Emir: evet bana da sadece iftar saatini hatırlatıyor
Ben: 💃💃💃😂😂


reyhan fazla naz ask usandirir be kuzum ...sonra camlara telefonlara yapisip kalirsin benden söylemesi😂


Emir cannot be trusted, why still seeing this evil cemry comforting her instead of enjoying the company of Reyhan, you are really crazy Emir


My heart cried a lot when Reyhan cries😔😓😓😓


I strated living with this series, the story and silent dialogue between emir and rehyan drag you into thier world 😍😍😍 bcome a stress buster


I wonder where the mother of cemre is, after her daughter got accident 😂 i guess she's tired of her daughter too😂😂😂😂😂
