your best american girl - mitski (lyrics)

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Mitski's "Your Best American Girl"

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[Verse 1]
If I could, I'd be your little spoon
And kiss your fingers forevermore
But, big spoon, you have so much to do
And I have nothing ahead of me

[Verse 2]
You're the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birds
Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds

Don't wait for me, I can't come

Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl

You're the one
You're all I ever wanted
I think I'll regret this

Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I finally do
And you're an all-American boy
I guess I couldn't help trying to be the best American girl

Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me
But I do, I think I do
(Source: Genius)

Performed by Mitski
Written by Mitski Miyawaki
Produced by Patrick Hyland
Published by Dead Oceans

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i'm relieved that this comment section has become a safe space for so many of you <3


"well, i'm not the moon, i'm not even a star" this hurts.


"your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raise me but i do i think i do"- this is one of my favorite lines because i know her mom wouldn't approve of how my mom treats me both as a child and now


nothing hurts more than relating to Mitski's song


omfg i remember i said mitski was overrated but when i really started listening to her i started to cry lmao


The part where she says" and i have nothing ahead of me" and then comparing them to the sun saying we arnt even the stars gets me every time.


“You’re the one, you’re all i ever wanted i think I’ll regret this” -Mitski


« You are the sun, you never seen the night » pain.


"you're the sun you've never seen the night but you hear it's song from the morning birds, well I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star but awake at night I'll be singing to the birds."


i was in a call with some friends today and they started talking about me, the fact that I'm half mexican and asking if i had a higher tolerance to heat because i was Mexican. I answered that i don't, bc I'm born here and lived my entire life in this country, and one of them said "so basically you don't have any attribute that mexicans do except your skin color and your name!" and that, with the fact that they said and called me the b-slur as a "joke" made me feel like shit. I've been bullied for my ethnicity during my whole childhood, I've come to despise it, and now that I've finally started embracing it they're stripping me away from my own culture? what's worse, what made me feel bad wasn't even the fact that they make openly racist jokes, or that they say slurs, but it was that my own friends were saying these things, these jokes that feel like backhanded compliments and that make you feel like you're the sensitive one. I hate myself, and i hate them for making me feel that way.


"I'm not even a star" and "you're the one you're all I ever wanted" hit so hard for some reason


i hate being a woc. i hate the fact that i’ll always be seen as “exotic”. i hate that i feel like i have no right to my culture because i’m so disconnected from it, i hate everything about it. why is it either that i’m liked for being chinese or that i’m bullied for it? i just want to be seen how white women are seen. i don’t want to be fetishised for the way i am, nor do i want to be made fun of for it. i can’t keep up with society’s beauty standards. i hate my black hair . i hate everything about being asian. it’s so unfair that i’m treated differently for being born chinese and filipino. i hate that i’m never seen as a normal person, it’s either that i’m seen as hot for being asian or i’m seen as dirty. i hate everything about being a woc.


my boyfriend is an American Boy, and I’m a hispanic, listening to this makes me upset and cry because, white girls are the beauty standard as me, a hispanic girl, different. Im afraid that he doesn’t see me as someone beautiful so I want to try my best to be seen as his best American girl.


this song hurts me so much. i'm a girl who's family immigrated from a poor country and now lives in the west. my boyfriend is ethnically western european and had the complete opposite experinces to me. i grew up with hardships such as leaving my whole life behind, being an outcast because i couldn't speak the language, abuse, toxic parenting, being raised by a single immigrant mom who's trying her best for her daughters. sometimes i feel like people judge him for dating me because of where i'm from, especially since his friends have the same background.

i lost hope for my future many times but i keep going for my family even though i know it will be difficult. on the other hand he has many big plans for his future and isn't scared of it at all, his parents have the money to help him. i don't think he understands my point of view most of the time, and today it resulted in an argument. i wonder if he'd be better off with someone else.


"dont wait for me, i can't come." crying.


I'm not american I'm Canadian however I'm black african girl who has lived in Canada for all my life I faced sm shit.
I remember in 5th grade I wore bantu knots to school for my hair and a few racist boys started calling it "connect the dots" and said other mean things. It went as far as them tripping me and when me and my mum called the school they did NOTHING about it. The next time I had bantu knots was last year and I still felt so scared and traumatized literally I still cannot fully get over it. In my average town size my school is not rlly the most diverse given that it's pretty new but one of my friends is mixed (black and white) and she said me, my best friend (white and latina) and another friend who is 25% asian were her only poc friends pretty sad because I lived in Ottawa for most of my childhood and I atleast got to be connected to my Cameroonian culture and I had a community there. Last year they were boys saying cruel stuff to her telling her to kill herself and when she cut herself they told her it was good. They even went as far as making her CRY and she could have killed herself given the fact she was already dealing with mental issues. Her (black) dad called the school like 2 times they didn't do SHIT until I left my seat DURING CLASS marched to the principals office and told her everything and even when they were FINALLY in "trouble" they did not get suspended for almost KILLING her, no they just got a "talk" and were let go. Keep in mind they are white boys. One of those yt boys who keept talking that my nose is big literally created an insecurity. I kept hating my nose the way it went wide when I smiled and everything. I wished I had a small nose and even went as far trying to manifest a smaller nose. That same racist yt boy is friends with some mixed black passing nigga in my class. They keep trying to get the "n word pass" (like there is anything cool about a slur in the first place) and keep making steorytypes (probably spelt that wrong lfmao) by calling him "scary black man" and he literally just let his asshole of friends treat the two poc girls of his OWN RACE like trash. And I kinda given up on love atp. Most of my crushes r white boys and another boy who is racially ambigous will obiously go to the yt girl. Out of my years in middle school I only got called good looking by a guy ONCE and he was very much a PLAYER! I try so hard trying to please em with everything. I try loosing weight to be more slim only to see the same yt girls have the EXACT body type I HATE! The body type I NATURALLY have THEY get praised for! I always worry about my broad shoulders thinking they r too "masculine" same with my nose. My mixed friend is atleast lucky she's LGBTQ and has a supporting gf but I never had any. My white latina friend ended up dating that ONE racist yt guy only for him to dump her 3 weeks later so he very much was "experimenting" with her. My white latina friend is lucky that she can sometimes pass as white (she has brown eyes, tan skin and a long nose but they rest is yt). I'm so tired. I'm going to highschool next year and I'm going to the most diverse place in my town because it will be better I have someone who is like me there or I get a exchange program where I study in Toronto or something. sorry for the long paragraph I just needed to rant


to be honest, i have this boost of confidence when i listen to this song. i used to cry so damn hard because i used to try so hard to adapt to such expectations, i just end up getting hurt because of my woc identity. but now, i’m freer than ever and i don’t have to change a thing about how i feel about being raised by such good people. woc should love who they are regardless of the beauty standards.


being woc is actually so difficult, i love being a woc culture is constantly being appropriated. i'm seen as the most undesirable or disgusting race (im bangladeshi, asian) and it feels strange to be so disassociated from your own culture bc white ppl have told u that its disgusting, but when white women wear our cultural clothing, theyre "exotic" and "beautiful" :/


I love mistki she makes me feel so safe :((


I remember when I was younger I was embarrassed to say that I was from El Salvador, cause I didn’t know the reactions I would get. Some of my friends said “you don’t look Salvadoran” “I thought you were Mexican” “I don’t like Salvadorans or Hondurans” “well you’re Mexican now”. I would be embarrassed to say I was Salvadorans cause my friends use to say how loud Salvadorans were without knowing I was one. I love this song so much<3
