The most isolated star in the universe. #cosmoknowledge #space #stars #cosmos #galaxy #universe

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an AI recreation of an actual VAs work seems strange and creepy


Ah yes “like a lighthouse in the middle of the desert”


Dwayne chéri tu seras toujours le plus merveilleux mon amour ...


Are we actually sure about ANYTHING in space? We have theories but that’s all we have! And our theories are always changing when we learn something new. Someday we are going to learn that the entire known universe is just the neurons in the brain of an indescribably massive being and our earth is nothing more than an impulse in the synaptic gap.


Maybe stars retire to the celestial equivalent of a chicken ranch in the country.


probably flinged by a object with larger mass


If the star is deep within the Milky Way galaxy then by default it is in the Galactic plane.


Dwayne chéri je t aime si fort mon merveilleux amour
See u my so shining blue star and my so sweet Canadian lover
But the most isolated Star is me Dwayne chéri ...


Glory be to God Almighty, Creator of this universe.


I hope the jim cant swim VA guy sues you. This is ridiculous. So sick of ai channels


It must feel nice to say, “Isn’t it amazing?” Whenever your Evolutionary Theory is proven false. Other theories aren’t so fortunate.


So that's where it landed. I always wondered how far it actually went when I chucked it.


Hey thanks for mapping it for us, you could have at the very least done that. 😂


Well CX330 got tired of all those mean big stars bullying it and going supernova on it so CX330 decided to just get away from the situation....


I hope the Ewu VA sues the channel. His voice is literally his entire business and you’re effectively stealing it.


Well how far is it from other nearby stars


Your comment is more consise and better understood than mine. I write too long. You say the same thing and write better because its shorter and easier. More people are likely to read it. You are also correct without scaring people like
my comment probably does!😊
PS: Then they have the audacity to put my comment about your comment being better first!😢


Star of Bethlehem? (if you believe in that stuff, that was a lone star) . We never found out exactly what that was in the sky and perhaps it was a literal star that briefly came into view. I am a dedicated Christian, I believe the above isn't ridiculous. I like science also, but our theories are always broken by what we call "exceptions." But it's just that basically that scientists don't know what they are talking about most of the time. I mean it. The universe cannot be squashed into the small box of mere science. Science is good and interesting and necessary, I believe, but scientists better get off their high horses of thinking they can explain everything in one book. Or one theory. Or a unification of quantum theory with gravity and all else. I may work; then something else may not quite fit. Science is to discover and of course find all we can but not to try to find out all things. And someone tried and it's a good book bur failed miserably in its mission. Besides, do not scientists know that space is empty in the first place? Why be surprised at a lone star? When they have discovered there's even emptier voids, rogue planets, fast moving supermassive black holes ejected from their host galaxies (what would be gravatationally strong enough or otherwise to do that, I don't know; but that's more than frighting to me. Be glad space is mostly empty.), slower moving lone invisible black holes ( no event horizion), the Great Attractor, etc.? And once woke up to an Google article that said literally that scientists say that something was wrong with the Sun, our own star, but they don't know why. I have to research this one because I see the sun is more active but no one else saying extreme things. You also have to be careful with what you hear. Some of it is actual bs. But space is our world. It is dangerous. I don't force beliefs on anyone, but I hold on to the anchor of a benevolent God that will eventually save us from all this. If that's weird, well look around you. Isn't everything kind of strange? 🤯🧐😳✝️
