WETIKO: How To Protect Yourself From Mass Psychosis | Paul Levy

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[00:00] Poisoning Of The Human Evolution
[7:45] Wetiko Manifestation In Our Everyday Lives
[14:45] Our True, Creative Nature VS Collective Psychosis
[22:05] Fighting Wetiko With Our Consciousness
[24:30] The Collective Dream Of Separate Selves
[38:50] Becoming The Observer + Changing The Past
[42:50] Awakening From The Wetiko Dream
[49:45] The Self-Induced Mind Blindness
[56:25] The Source Of Our Suffering
[01:00:25] The Inner & The Outer Manifestation Of Wetiko
[01:05:25] How Our Trauma Projects In The World
[01:11:45] The Antidote For Wetiko
- How we get distracted by searching for problems outside of ourselves.
- Why the mind virus is a source of the greatest evil and how we became its instrument.
- What the Wetiko is trying to reveal and why we need to recognize what it’s showing us.
- Trans-personal energy: Higher-dimensional energy that can possess us and keep us “asleep.”
- Paul explains why nobody is immune to Wetiko.
- Why a negative father is an archetype that exists in the collective unconscious, and how it relates to domination and objectification of Mother Nature.
- How Wetiko offers us a false identity and how it manipulates us through it unless we are able to identify our true self.
- What it means that we are the solution and we possess the creative power to heal ourselves from the mind virus.
- Josh explains why it’s impossible to go back to being unconscious after you start your healing journey.
- Why seeing ourselves as separate from the world keeps us disconnected from our true nature.
- Why according to quantum physics there is only the present moment, and how we can access our power through it.
- Why we put too much emphasis and give meaning to time.
- Why the more you express compassion, the more compassion there is to share.
- Why the Bible says that mindblindness is self-induced.
- What happens when you recognize the correlation between the outer world and your inner state, and finally recognize the dream.
- Why the mirror is a symbol of true nature in Buddhism.
- What it means that there is no Wetiko outside of us and the fear of Wetiko is actually Wetiko.
- The inner and the outer reflection of Wetiko: How it controls our mind like totalitarianism controls the world.
- How our creative power potentiates when we get in phase with each other and become of service to the whole.
- Shadow projecting: Not owning our own darkness makes us project it out and embody it.
- How abuse trauma shows us that we are abusing ourselves.
- What happens to all the potentialities that don’t manifest in the world.
- Why there is always the possibility of creating a different reality according to quantum physics.
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👉 About The Podcast: Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent
Wellness + Wisdom is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.
In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century.
Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the Pentagon of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual & Financial.
Your host Josh Trent asks the questions no one else will ask to garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom, and optimal wellness where together we walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing and doing.
Learn from world class leaders in the fields of physical intelligence, breathwork, emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, spirituality, consciousness and the 7 pillars of wellness to live life well.
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