16 Facts about Months 1 through 3 | Baby Development

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16 Facts about Months 1 through 3 | Baby Development


When parents come for their one month visit they're most interested in feeding issues. Feeding issues, peeing issues, and pooping issues are all the popular one month visit issues. So, a one month should be feeding every three to four hours during the day. In the evening a one month old might feed every three hours, but they might sleep three to five hours. If they do then you're really lucky. You don't have to wake a one month old baby up every three hours to feed any more unless your doctor tells you that your baby is not gaining enough weight and needs to be woken up every two to three hours let's say.

Breast-fed babies wake more often, because they just don't get as much volume when they breast feed. Often, a baby's put on the breast, and when they hear the mom's heartbeat and they feel the mom's warmth they just fall right back to sleep. They don't finish that full feed like a bottle-fed baby might get three or four ounces before bed.

Babies often cluster feed, and that's normal. So, a baby might feed every hour during the day, especially a breast-fed baby, and in the evening that baby might sleep longer. That's fine.

Babies should have anywhere between three to five wet diapers a day, and poop can range. Some breast-fed babies poop with every feed, whereas some babies don't poop for five days. That's totally normal. I would say that the majority of the phone calls I get are parents worrying about a baby being constipated. There's a wide range of normal, and that's OK.

At one month the baby should be regarding your face, looking at you while they're feeding. What the baby is seeing is the contrast of you against the wall behind. So, sometimes parents feel that the baby is looking past them because their vision is about 20/400. It's very out of focus. What they're looking at is a contrast of you against the wall behind them, and that's OK.

Between one month and three months the baby is going to start to recognize you, regard your face, know your voice. A baby should be responding to sound of course. They still have the startle reflex, so if a loud car drives by or somebody honks a horn they'll startle. That's the Moro reflex. That's normal.

Babies should be sleeping on their back. I recommend that parents rotate the baby's head from side to side. I almost make the analogy of a rotisserie chicken. You want it cooked all the way around. So with the baby's head, because we are preventing SIDS by having a baby lie on their back, we are creating a flat back of their head. That's called postural plagiocephaly. To prevent postural plagiocephaly I recommend that the parents rotate the baby's head from side to side when they put them to sleep.

Then during the day time when the baby's awake you can give the baby tummy time. Parents ask how much tummy time does a baby need. There's no set menu for tummy time. Five minutes for a baby is eternity. You often put your baby on their tummy and they're supposed to lift their head up but they smush their head back down. That's fine, but you want to keep on practicing with the baby because they're sleeping on their back for so long some of their milestones are delayed, and we want them to learn to push up when they're awake. So, whenever the baby's awake you can put the baby on a firm surface like the mattress in a crib or a play mat on the floor and let the baby learn to push up and hold their head up.

Babies don't need water at this age. Water starts at four months. On warm days you just have to keep your baby cool and well hydrated with formula or with breast milk.

As far as smiling, smiling develops between six weeks to two and a half months. A baby will start smiling when they're happy or when they're soothed. A baby should also, between one and three months, be calmed by your voice when you come in the room and be consoled. If a baby has excessive crying where they cannot be consoled whatsoever then you should contact your physician.

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Straight to the point, helpful information, breathe of fresh air compared to many other videos these days!


I read a lot of the comments here and I am a bit upset. As a mom of 3 sons (11, 8, 5) I can say, the very best you can do as a mother is just to be always calm and put confidence in your child. Your children have good abilities to became good people. Every child is different. Try not to match your child with anothers. This only makes you insecure and helps nobody. Rear children is not a competition. There is no winner and no loser, just Difference. Sorry for my english.


Those are wind smiles. The proper smile is after a month usually and its a biggg difference. The real smile is when your baby looking at you wide awake and smiling :) ..best feeling ever! -new mum with 2months old baby


My newborn wants to eat like every hour lol and only sleeps an hour or two at night if I'm lucky


Love this one, no BS just straight facts! 😍😘


This is very detailed and important. I’m the mother of a 2 month old. Everything you’ve said is accurate. I thought my baby was constipated but he began having more dirty diapers after week 6. My major issues involve getting him to sleep around 3am and sleeping on his back. He does not like sleeping on his back and will immediately awaken. His eyes are also out of focus but I’m going to get them checked


Thank you for this video, most "informative" videos on here are just new moms focused more on video lighting than giving usable knowledge.


My son will be 3 months old on the 25th already and it feels like I just had him yesterday. He is so talkative, smiles all of the time, is starting to giggle and roll over. I want him to stay a baby forever 😩


My daughter smiled on day 2 and has been smiling every day since. She laughed last week. Every moment is so exciting to see 😍 She just made 2 months today. 5/6/21


Very informative. I've had the worst time getting my baby to sleep through the night. Womb sounds have been helpful for me. Some music box lullabies work too. Not sure why it works but it does. My favorites to use are from Best Baby Sleep right here on YouTube. I had bought a cd but much easier to get it from here. Just a tip. Hope it helps others here.


She answered every question I thought I mayve had! Straightforward


My baby boy is freakishly strong. First thing he did after beeing placed on mommy after birth was to raise his head and look around. Doctors and nurses have commented on his strength several Times.

Daddy proud :D


Damn my 1 month old eats every 2 hours ! And he wakes up to eat on the dot it's like he know the time 😂


Also about the part where they say that a baby should be calmer around your voice. This is a learned trait for the baby. Lots of parents don't realize they should talk to their baby even while it's screaming. If you do this (even in the middle of a loud crying spell) the baby will learn to calm down when you talk. If you don't do this, the baby won't learn to calm down when you talk. It takes a few weeks (and even months) for this connection to happen, so it's important to start doing it more often at around 2 months old. Then by the time they are 3 months they should be more calm when you speak :) (my own experience and my friends) :)


this really helps me a lot i was so worried because its my first time to be mother. thank you so much 😊


Very informative. I’m sure new moms will be happy to watch this.


Wow well done cant wait to meet my baby


My little brother is a few days old and the only time he smiles is when he pees


My daughter rotates her head herself. She hates laying with her head in one spot for too long


My baby is 4 days old and he just smiled 😫😭
