ReactJS 104: Using Props

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Passing #props to a component is a fundamental concept in #React and many other component-based frameworks. Props (short for properties) allow you to pass data from a parent component to a child component. This data can be anything from simple values to functions and objects. By passing props, you enable communication and data flow between components, making your application more dynamic and flexible.
00:00 - Introduction
01:21 - Build a Product list html page
03:16 - Creating the Product React Component
04:42 - Passing props to the Product component
09:30 - Passing React Component as a Child
11:40 - Setting default value for a props
14:41 - Creating the Rating Component
23:11 - Parsing Object as Props
00:00 - Introduction
01:21 - Build a Product list html page
03:16 - Creating the Product React Component
04:42 - Passing props to the Product component
09:30 - Passing React Component as a Child
11:40 - Setting default value for a props
14:41 - Creating the Rating Component
23:11 - Parsing Object as Props
ReactJS 104: Using Props
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