You'll Never Believe What we Found Now Magnet Fishing in the Forbidden Canal

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About Bondi Treasure Hunter:
G'day, I'm Leigh and I search for treasure all over the world in all kinds of ways. Scuba Diving, Metal Detecting or Magnet Fishing - if it's out there I'll find it!
My treasure hunting motto is "Anything could be anywhere!"
No matter where I go treasure hunting and metal detecting, I have lot's of fun. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy my adventures. If you have any questions about how to search for treasure just leave a comment!

Check out my top 10 videos!

$150,000 WATCH FOUND! Searching the River for Lost Valuables
Can’t Believe How Much GOLD I Found! Underwater Metal Detecting (Best Finds 2020)
Magnet Fishing GONE CRAZY *Police Everywhere*
Is This my BEST Magnet Fishing Find? I Can't Believe How Much it's Worth!
Giant Locked Safe Found Magnet Fishing in Amsterdam (Multiple Safes Found!)
HUGE Safe Found with Money Inside CRANE NEEDED
We Build our Dream Camper Van | FULL TIME LAPSE | Sprinter Camper Conversion

#MagnetFishing #Treasurehunting
Рекомендации по теме

Whenever I see " you won't believe what we found" on your videos, I can't help but jokingly think, "he found another bike didn't he" lol.


You are the most positive hype-man I’ve ever had the joy to see. Pumping yourself up while pulling up an object by yourself is adorable and then being positive for a poor fire extinguisher saying it might still put a fire out bc it has water in it. What a beautifully positive and lovely soul you have. I hope you always get to enjoy your adventures as much as it seems you do here. Cheers!


It's a good thing that you are so agile..the way you climb up and over those walls and railings..I admire you and the other magnet hunters for cleaning up the environment.


Just wandered onto this channel...I now have an overwhelming urge to go magnet fishing...not something I thought I'd ever say


Holy cow. That was beyond exciting. That’s a lot of serious stuff you pulled out. Fantastic video Lee because I was anticipating the amount of weapons still in the canal. Great filming!


Who knew that magnet fishing was even a thing? I've watched a couple of these now and I'm still deeply amazed. I used to live in a small town where a river ran through it and once every couple years the community would get together and clean out the river within the city. They found tricycles, bicycles and even a snowmobile. The small random stuff was basically just garbage but it's amazing how much stuff just sat at the bottom of the river.


Since I’m mostly housebound, I look forward to your adventures to take me to wonderful places and scenery along with the exotic things you bring up. Know that I’m rooting for you on every pull that it’s the safe of your dreams! Thanks Leigh…Hi Nikki!


This was the most epic one yet. The sketchy activity around there is mind blowing. Guns, safes and wallets? Oh my!!
Thank you for bringing us along on another fantastic adventure! 🙌🏼


So happy ….you always share when I have the time to sit and watch! Thanks again to you all 🫶🏻


Thank you for being so real! And of course the fun that goes with it. It looks like so much fun and you go to places I can only dream about. Love you all! ❤


I’m 9 and wen I watch you I go and ask my dad if I can do it and he said yes and now I love doing it thanks 🙏🏻


Haven't watched any of Bondi in a while ... Now I'm in a better mood. I wish I could be as happy as Bondi seems to be


Awesome day for you guys Bondi. I just found you today and I'm hooked already.
Besides finding treasures you're also cleaning out the canals. It's amazing what lies under the surface.


What a great bunch of people magnet fishers are, and what incredible finds.


I only recently found this channel but I can tell there has been some crazy adventures so far if a bomb is only mentioned in the end of video over view and not when it happened. Looking forward to seeing what else you pull from the waters of the world.


Love your accent and enthusiasm!!! Love your program. You’re so positive and supportive of others. It’s refreshing to watch and you’re doing a wonderful thing


My great grandparents came from Holland to the Usa. My great grandma came from Amsterdam and my great grandpa lived in Rotterdam. Thank you so much for the ability to see Holland. I love it.


Wow, so many great finds! Every time I think the finds can't get any better, they do. And the police! You know it's a great place to magnet fish if you have to call the police.


That was a adventure to check off of the bucket list. Looks like a fun time was had by everyone.


That is the only place you can yell I got a gun. Lol
