What is the 'Correct' Baptismal Formula? - Anthony ROGERS and David WOOD Acts17Apologetics

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Is there a correct formula when being baptised?

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If you read the book of Acts everyone was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the name of the Father, son and Holy Ghost. If any man preach another gospel let him be cursed. Theres only one Lord, one Faith and one baptism. Acts 2:38 kjv tells us the correct formula for baptism.. Theres no scripture with anyone in Acts etc, baptized in father, son and holy ghost. We follow Christ thru his disciples. 1 John 4:6 kjv and the apostles showed us the way, concerning baptism just read the book of Acts.


Matthew 28 19 was Changed by the RCC in second century it Original said go ye and teach all nations in my Name the Trinity was a latter development they RCC dropped in my Name and added the titles to the scriptures 98 % of Christian's have been baptized in Error or in heresy the only way to correct it is to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in New tongues Mark 16:15---18 Acts 19:1---7 Apostle Paul baptized everyone in the name of Jesus Christ in. New testament church
