IF YOU DIED NOW...Are You 100% Sure You're Saved? | Dr. Gene Kim

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Pastor Gene Kim
San Jose Bible Baptist Church, CA
#BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Biblebeliever #Endtimes
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I said yes during this video, today was my salvation. Id like to confirm it.


My answer is that I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that he lived, died for my sins, was buried and was resurrected by the power of God.


Not going to lie I struggle with this, I feel guilty of my sin and it eats me alive makes me feel like I'm not doing enough even though I know Jesus has paid the price. Spiritual warfare is tough, but this video was great and helped me a lot.


My answer is i deserve hell but because i believe in the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ he died for my sins . i am COVERD by the BLOOD.


Catholics say there's a sin of presumption. But it's a lie. Our hope is in christ alone. 🙏🏼


From the middle of my ocean of sin I am calling the lord to deliver me from my sin from my wickedness and evil!!


Pastor Gene, I have only you, I live in Europe and am EX Orthodox, I always pray for you that God will give us your Knowledge and wisdom, I pray for your health, your Family and Your Church.
You are one of the few who helped me grow in FAITH.
Of course, I read the Bible, which I did not do when I was a false Christian who thought I was born as an Christian.


Don't ever think your saved because you're basically a good person. That will not work. Only by the grace of God and God dying for our sins in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty. Thank you Lord


Before watching more than 10 seconds I'm going to answer your question. YES I WILL! because the blood of Jesus Christ is what saves me! His death burial and resurrection!


Yes Brother Kim, I’m 💯sure I’m going to heaven and if God held me upside down over hell (He won’t, I’m sure of that), and told me give Him one good reason, I’d say “Because I truly believe I’m covered by the blood Your Son shed on Calvary. I trust Him because He cannot lie.” Then, I believe He would smile and say, “Welcome.”🥰
Late edit: This teaching made me think back. I was raised in the church but sinned. It wasn’t until I was 24 years old (I’m 64 now) I realized I was a pew-warmer! It was like a heart attack came over me. I praised God and thanked His holy Name for me not dying before that moment because I would have been sent straight to HELL!!! It didn’t matter I was in church twice a week. It didn’t matter I sang in the choir. It didn’t matter I raised my kids in church (although that would start them on the right path later). But NONE of this was going to SAVE ME!!! So I broke down in tears and went to my knees and I asked His forgiveness at what I had been. That very night, I was CHANGED. I thought I loved the Lord before. I thought I was okay before. Nada! My sins were truly washed away then, and for the FIRST TIME I really thought about the depth of what the Lord Jesus Christ DID ON THAT HORRIBLE BUT PRECIOUS CROSS - His blood covered me from then on. The whole world looked different after that. Hallelujah! Maranatha sweet Jesus, come quickly!


Thanks for clarification. Jesus's sacrifice paid for my sins - past, present and future!!!


I was born again at the age of 12yrs...i repented of my sins and asked lord jesus to cleanse me with his precious blood..A great peace fell upon me and my appetite to read the word and spent time with god increased also i developed a sensitive conscious towards sin.i am greatful to God for the Gift of salvation. I know i dont deserved it a bit but it was Gods grace.Glory to God.Amen


Today is that day!

Thank you for your ministry. Wow!
Two days ago, a Christian friend, where I had started a Bible study, not teaching with, told me because I had been divorced and remarried that I was not saved. She barked many scriptures supporting her case. She said to me I needed to get out of this marriage as it was an abomination to God.I was mostly quiet. It left me unhinged. My husband and I have a Bible ministry on the street and have given out 1327 KJV Bibles free in our communities, children's Bibles, , Spanish Bibles as well. After she said this to me, I wanted to stop because she said I was trying to earn my way into heaven. I never did feel that way. We love giving away the word of God. I was going to meet with a Hispanic group that was going to have a marriage convention and I said I'd help with Spanish Bibles. I canceled the meeting and cried.
Yesterday, we went to give out Bibles and the Lord told me to wear a shirt that says, repent, believe, Jesus.
I have been praying and seeking the word to see if I need to leave my marriage. It's a good marriage and we are learning and growing together.

Then watching this video, I see the answer. Today, for the first time I know I'm saved by the blood he shed.
Thank you for your teaching and ministry.
Thank you God for loving us so much to send Jesus, to shed his blood to cover our sins, that we cannot make it to eternity with it. ❤


Amen Pastor, We should not boast about our works because Jesus Finished it all, and then follows the change of mind through the holy spirit.




Wow, PRAISE GOD 🙏 I got saved when I was 21. I'm 47 now. I have just been searching for the truth of the gospel because I kinda always believed that but than started hearing I'm not saved because I smoke still. I knew his blood saved me not my works but I kept hearing it and I was afraid he wouldn't take me in the rapture. I started watching you and I was reading scripture but was still confused. The way you just explained that was beautiful. I completely understand and KNOW for a fact that JESUS CHRIST BLOOD SAVED me HALLELUJAH ❣️💯✝️ Thank you for teaching that and PRAISE GOD 🙏 I just said that prayer with you also so thank you ❣️💯


Lord I’m asking you to deliver me from my sins I TRUST YOU AND ONLY YOU, I believe you died on the cross and rose again the third day and I trust your finish work is enough and I beg you to come and clean me and my family with your precious blood And gift us with Your Holy Spirit in Jesus Name I pray amen 🙏🏽❤️


Pastor - I know 100% because almost two years ago I found SJBBC - thanks to your click bait titles during a faith-crisis! Thank you for what you do - it saved my faith, brought me out of the Pentecostal Charismatic and Calvinist wrong doctrines I was pumped full of as a child and young adult. Sincerely, a faithful "onliner" - What a blessing your congregation is and has! Prayers for SJBBC. Christ has TRULY set me free and the right doctrines I've found through your church and Dr. Ruckman's teachings, etc. has been life-changing....and not in the "I have the feely-goods and saw a vision of Jesus, " but in the "I now have foundation to live as a SOLDIER on the battlefield of life!"


Best presentation of the Gospel I have ever heard. Blessed be the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!


This teaching is very clear..Jesus is the way the truth and life 🙏
