Auxito Led Headlight Review, are they super bright?

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Auxito Led Headlight Review, i they super bright? Auxito sent me these lights to tryout. Turns out I do like them.
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I like Auxitos, but had 1 go out just over a year...and I cannot find a replavement as it is discontinued.


Everyone if not most of them in the Scion Xb community use these. Ive yet to gear anyone say they fail at all


Auxito lights are bright. But they suck horribly on reliability being I've bought and replaced them 6 times and they always flicker or half of one simply burns out. Probably cheape components. Never buying them


You about drove off the road beginning of vid


What p*sses me off about these "impartial honest" videos is they never give you all the facts.
I've just replaced all my bulbs on my 2010 C Class estate.
4 x H7 and 2x H11. One H11 lasted 20minutes before it died.
All with correct beam patterns and very bright until they're not.
Initial switch on very bright, 10 minutes in you begin to think they seem to be dimming, 30 minutes in you're almost driving blind into oncoming traffic.
I've tried many led bulbs and all have the same problem, Heat.
As soon as they get hot their resistance goes up which reduces the voltage to the chips and dims the light output.
Funny how none of the reviewers ever replied when I asked the question do these bulbs dim after 30 minutes of use. 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡
