Correlation coefficient meta analysis funnel forest plot in R Statistics

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Subgroup, meta-analysis, binary, outcome, Risk ratio, effect size, estimate, statistical method, summary, pairwise group, results, multiple studies, clinical, research, medial, clinical trials, overall, pooled, intervention, treatment, exposure, control, reference, unexposed, event, probability, data, variability, heterogeneity, inconsistency, categorical, variable, binomial, dichotomous, levels, percentage, homogeneity, 95% confidence interval, p-value, weight percentage, descriptive statistics, diagram, publication bias, sample size, sample effort, single group, network, proportion, rate, frequency, continuous, percentage, standard deviation, standardized mean difference, prevalence, incidence, fixed effects, random effects, model, package, import, SPSS, STAT, Jamovi, R Statistics, Hedges’s, Cohen’s d, Glass’s delta, common effects, restricted maximum likelihood, RMLH, DerSimonia n-Laird, odds ratio, risk difference, correlation, mean difference, hazard ratio, peto’s odds ratio, Mantel-Haenszel, Inverse-Variance, no effect line, effect size line, egger’s regression, revaman, GraphPad Prism, output, Odds ratio, hazard ratio
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Once I get notification from your YouTube channel I hit like, because I know the quality of your work.
I just want to tell you that you are the only professor who illustrates metanalysis in R, in the entire Internet for free.
What an amazing and beautiful work.
I really appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, sir.


I totally agree with Mohammed hadedy, thank you Dr Mahmoud


Good lesion, but could you add test of overall/pooled/common effect size to determine if the common effect size if stat sign or not.
