What is ngAfterContentInit & ngAfterContainChecked? #shotrs #angular #typescript #interview #coding
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* Lifecycle hooks are a set of methods in Angular that are executed at specific moments during the lifecycle of a component.
* These methods provide a way to tap into the Angular component lifecycle and perform custom logic or operations at specific points in time.
ngAfterContentInit: This lifecycle hook is executed after the component's content has been initialized and is a good place to perform additional setup for the component's content.
ngAfterContentChecked: This lifecycle hook is executed after the component's content has been checked and is a good place to perform additional operations based on the component's content.
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* These methods provide a way to tap into the Angular component lifecycle and perform custom logic or operations at specific points in time.
ngAfterContentInit: This lifecycle hook is executed after the component's content has been initialized and is a good place to perform additional setup for the component's content.
ngAfterContentChecked: This lifecycle hook is executed after the component's content has been checked and is a good place to perform additional operations based on the component's content.
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