27 Internet Abbreviations & Acronyms YOU SHOULD KNOW in 2021

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We are constantly texting through WhatsApp, DMs, etc. It’s natural to want to communicate in the quickest way possible. That's where texting abbreviations and acronyms come to the rescue!
Abbreviations used in this video:
(1) IRL = In real Life
(2) RT = Retweet
(3) IMO = In My Opinion
(4) IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
(5) YSK = You Should Know
(6) 2nite = Tonight
(7) w8 = Wait
(8) 2moro = Tomorrow
(9) g2g = Got to go
(10) CYA = See You
(11) CU = See You
(12) DM = Direct Message
(13) PAW = Parents Are Watching
(14) TIA = Thanks In Advance
(15) TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read
(16) WFH = Work From Home
(17) ELI5 = Explain Like I'm 5 (years old)
(18) FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
(19) SMH = Shaking My Head
(20) NBD = Not a Big Deal
(21) GL = Good Luck
(22) IDK = I Don't Know
(23) LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
(24) BTW = By The Way
(25) LOL = Laughing Out Loud
(26) TY = Thank You
(27) YW = You're Welcome
Time codes:
0:00 Instagram vs. Twitter
1:41 What "IRL" means
2:09 This one is popular on Twitter
2:24 When expressing opinion
3:49 What "YSK" means
4:09 What people use instead of 2, to and too
5:02 How people use the letter "c"
5:34 This one is popular on Instagram
5:53 For sneaky children
6:05 Expressing gratitude
6:12 For those who don't like long posts
6:45 One of the most popular abbreviations nowadays
6:58 This one is popular on Reddit
7:18 When you have fear of missing out
7:41 When you have no words
7:59 Commonly used oldies
8:29 About my English workbook
⭐ INSTAGRAM - linguamarina
I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus)
#Abbreviations #Acronyms #StopOverusing
Abbreviations used in this video:
(1) IRL = In real Life
(2) RT = Retweet
(3) IMO = In My Opinion
(4) IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
(5) YSK = You Should Know
(6) 2nite = Tonight
(7) w8 = Wait
(8) 2moro = Tomorrow
(9) g2g = Got to go
(10) CYA = See You
(11) CU = See You
(12) DM = Direct Message
(13) PAW = Parents Are Watching
(14) TIA = Thanks In Advance
(15) TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read
(16) WFH = Work From Home
(17) ELI5 = Explain Like I'm 5 (years old)
(18) FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
(19) SMH = Shaking My Head
(20) NBD = Not a Big Deal
(21) GL = Good Luck
(22) IDK = I Don't Know
(23) LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
(24) BTW = By The Way
(25) LOL = Laughing Out Loud
(26) TY = Thank You
(27) YW = You're Welcome
Time codes:
0:00 Instagram vs. Twitter
1:41 What "IRL" means
2:09 This one is popular on Twitter
2:24 When expressing opinion
3:49 What "YSK" means
4:09 What people use instead of 2, to and too
5:02 How people use the letter "c"
5:34 This one is popular on Instagram
5:53 For sneaky children
6:05 Expressing gratitude
6:12 For those who don't like long posts
6:45 One of the most popular abbreviations nowadays
6:58 This one is popular on Reddit
7:18 When you have fear of missing out
7:41 When you have no words
7:59 Commonly used oldies
8:29 About my English workbook
⭐ INSTAGRAM - linguamarina
I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus)
#Abbreviations #Acronyms #StopOverusing