The fastest way to get the DLC weapons in Samurai Warriors 4 DX | The Daily Grind

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Did you know you have to unlock the DLC weapons in Samurai Warriors 4 DX? Let's take a look at what you need to know and do!
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00:00 - Intro
01:57 - Background
04:07 - Legend of the Oda
05:37 - Legend of the Takeda
06:13 - Legend of a Land United
09:54 - Secret History
12:43 - Outro
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I hope this video helps those who want to quickly unlock the DLC weapons or at least be better prepared. What else should I look at for a Daily Grind episode?


I've started playing it a few days ago so this vid will be useful for sure


So they went through the extra effort of implementing the former microtransactions into gameplay progression instead of keeping them disconnected? That's an improvement as far as I'm concerned.

Would still prefer to have 4 and 4-II combined into a single game with all content though.

Edit: That said, I do like strategies for powering up quickly so this video shall be useful as soon as the game gets a Steam sale.


Awesome research, love this videos and the pros vs cons ones, btw we hope to see in the future pros vs cons on this games dw9 complete with 9 empires, dw strikeforce (maybe include the 2nd one) sw5, sw chronicles (all together will be awesome) warriors all stars, FEW three Hopes, HW AOC, touken ranbu, persona strikers and the dragon quest games, this will be so awesome.


Hey, are you planning to cover the gameplay & trailer for Dynasty warriors origin's


Can we get a video review of senran kagura peach beach splash please?! Or are you scared YouTube would strike it so quickly it’ll make your head spin?
