Crown Princess Mary - 2022 Documentary [English subtitles]

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English subtitles available (Press CC), made by me.

H.R.H Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, reflects on her life in Denmark and her role as a princess, a mother, a public figure and as a wife to the future king.
Special documentary/interview for her 50th birthday.

Courtesy of DR. This video is non-monetized and all rights belong to DR.
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I have also made English subtitles for the documentary about her husband Frederik, and for fans of Mary, she is also in that documentary.


this is how a royal should be. She acknowledges a privileged life but she worked hard to fulfull her responsibilities. While we all praise future queen Mary excelling at her new country, we must remember all this was possible because her husband is also a genuine 'prince charming' :) I keep tearing up when I watched how he almost cried at his wedding, and also when Mary gave that speech after many years together. What a lucky couple to have found each other


I JUST WANT TO THANK everyone who provides English subtitles for the rest of us.
I APPRECIATE you all so very much! 😁


This woman is now the Queen of Denmark. So absolutely worthy. No high drama. So grounded. Denmark is a light to the world. And Mary is Queen.


And that is how it is done!! A very respectful journalist - it was calming to watch this documentary - and quite moving at times. Watching Mary’s face as she tried to keep her emotions in check, while watching the choir at the end, showed just what a gift it was for her and how loved she is in her adopted country. I had tears running down my face. As an Australian, I sat proudly watching the transition from an Aussie girl to a Danish princess done with grace and dignity. Thank you for sharing this with us. 😘💕🤴👸🏻🇦🇺


To Australiens: the journalist speaks to Mary in a form of Old danish were you adress royalties in a very respectful way, and Mary does the same to the journalist. . Its amazing how she not only mastered our language but also have a vocabulary larger than 70% of the country.


Crown Princess Mary is every thing a Crown Princess should be, beautiful humble talented, easy to talk with. Denmark is very, very lucky to have Mary.


Thank you very much for the English subtitles! This was a really lovely program, very intimate but respectful. CP Mary has grown into her role beautifully. She comes across as humble and grateful for her life in Denmark. And how wonderful to see a woman publicly celebrated at age 50!


Crown Princess Mary of Denmark is a prime example of how you properly join a royal family. She left her homeland and moved to Denmark. Then she learned the Danish language. She even went to the Crown Prince and he showed her how to curtsy. I enjoyed watching this interview and learning about their love story. Princess Mary is so humble and an asset to Denmark.


I wasn’t going to watch but decided to, this is a beautifully put together interview, the interviewer was consistently polite, gave time for Mary to reflect on events by looking at footage, nor did he ask awkward questions. It must have been very emotional for her and I thought reflected in the tears in her eyes as the choir sang. I am happy I decided to watch.


Such an incredible interview. Denmark is lucky with such a beautiful, caring, down-to-earth and intelligent Crown Princess /Ambassador. A huge thank you to the journalist who interviewed her. Thoughtful professionalism. The gift, an uplifting tearjerker. Such a difference when a choir takes the time to dress uniformly and beautifully. My best to Princess Mary in her 50th year and to her family.


That was absolutely beautiful. As an Australian, that was wonderful to watch. Her honest emotion, dedication, hard work and love is there for all to see. What an extraordinary life of heart, discipline and fulfilled intention. Thank you so much for the subtitles.


This interviewer was just the right person for the job. He brought out the person, allowing her to answer in her own time, with her deep feelings, rather than pushing her for a quick and memorized response so often seen in celebrity interviews. It is like a conversation between equals, an honest and heart-warming conversation we are allowed to eavesdrop on. So glad this documentary exists. Thank you to both participants!


She is a great person! She is a great mother, a great wife, a great princess! Congratulations! The interview was a very good one. The journalist made a great job and she was wonderful!


Many royals around the world (especially in England) could take a masterclass from how to behave as a proper princess or even queen from Mary. She is both completely regal and yet completely natural at the same time. This is a true and innate gift. An act of grace which can’t really be taught. One can be born royal but not necessarily carry the qualities of majesty. Yet Mary possesses the key qualities of true majesty which are humility, courage, wisdom, grace and compassion.


The Danish language is not the easiest to learn but CP Mary has made it look easy. Her persona is one of graceful peace. She was very moved by the girls singing so beautifully. It is my wish that she and her family grow together as a strong
unit, blessed with peace, love, and joy.


I love princess Mary and Catherine Dutchess of Cambridge, they’re my favorite princesses. They give off similar vibes and remind me of each other … both very regal, elegant, beautiful and charming💝


As an Australian, I am sooo proud of Crowned Princess Mary and future Queen of Denmark. What an amazing fairytale with her husband 😍😍


The ending was a moment of such exquisite grace and emotion. What a lovely, decent, kind and very beautiful person. She will be a wonderful Queen


Thank you Mary for representing Australia with the greatest of honours. Thank you Denmark (including the Monarchy) for warmly embracing our Ambassador. Thank you to the interviewer for one of the most professional interviews I have ever watched, Thank you for the subtitles allowing us to enjoy the interview, and finally … Thank you Frederik for gracing our shores at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
