Population Growth - Pros and cons

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A look at the advantages and disadvantages of population growth.

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Energy is the true currency of the universe, so more people is less energy per person.


Many European countries should look at India for new immigrants as India has millions of surplus workers entering into job market every year, of course there would big political resistance against such move, but I believe that sooner than later lack of workers is going to force our hand even if some voters dislike the idea.

India has too many young people and we in Europe doesn't have enough... I think it would make sense.


Of all the environmental problems our planet is facing today, overpopulation is the one that sometimes slips from the radar. Overpopulation places a great demand on resources and land, which may be the reason for widespread environmental issues in addition to impacting global economies and standards of living.
Poverty is to be believed as the major cause of overpopulation. High mortality rate and lack of educational resources, leads to high birth rates, resulting in a large population.
If overpopulation grows, this effect is said to be so widespread that the United Nations has predicted that the 48 poorest countries of the world contribute to the largest population growth. They estimate that the combined population of these countries is expected to be 1.7 billion in 2050 from 850 million in 2010.

The effects of the overpopulation are quite severe. One of these is the lack of natural resources. Earth has the capacity to only produce a limited amount of food and water, falling short of current needs of the people which are increasing day by day.

Rapid population growth makes the choice between high consumption and investment needed to bring more consumption in the future more scarce. Economic development depends on investment. Therefore, rapid population growth repels the investment needed for higher future consumption.

With a rapidly growing population, the adjustment becomes difficult to manage with economic and social change. Urbanization in UDC creates problems like housing, electricity, water, transport etc. In addition, the growing population is at risk of permanent environmental damage through urbanization in some rural areas.

The rapidly growing population transforms the economy into mass unemployment and low employment. As the population increases, the ratio of workers to the total population increases. The result is that with an increase in the labour force, unemployment and low employment increases. Rapid increment of the population reduces savings and investment.

Domestic consumption of exportable goods also increases with rapid population growth. As a result, there is a decline in the exportable surplus. On the other hand just to meet the demand of the rapidly growing population, more food and other consumer goods are needed so that demand can be fulfilled.
