Intuition behind all the fields in Maxwell's Equations!

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Magnetic Vector Potential:

Aharonov-Bohm effect:
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Brilliant and concise but clear explanation of these fields. It helped me enormiously. Straight to the point with excellent images. Thanks for sharing man!! Hopefully you make more videos!! The abramahov effect looks really interesting! Is the B field outside 0 but A positive?


Very nice video, but you don't need to speak so fast maybe grab a cup of tea and take a sip here and there to lower the pace.


1) At 0:34, the Divergence of E should be equal to ρ/ε0; not ρ_f/ε0, which is equal to the divergence of D.
2) At 3:57, I forgot a factor of μ0, which was supposed to be multiplied onto J.
3) At 7:26, the magnitude of P is actually the charge *density* (i.e. dq/dV) multiplied by separation distance; not simply charge multiplied by distance.


Tak for gode konceptuelle videoer, ærgerligt du går så hurtigt frem 🙂


tell me if i'm wrong, but i'm having a little trouble getting the hand of this things: i always interpreted the D and H fields in a "physical way" rather than a pure "helping tools" to study electromagnetism in a medium. I'll explain: for me it's easier to think that

- the E vector is sort of an "INTENSITY electric field" that purely tells me how strong and in which way a point in space is affected by a charge distribution near them;

- the D vector is, instead, the "INDUCTION field", which tells me how the electric field E is modified in a space occupied by a medium. This conclution sorted out in my mind by the relation between E and D: D = e0 * E + P, so "it's like D carries information (thanks to e0 and P) about E AND the medium";

- the H vector acts as similar as the E vector, i call it "INTENSITY magnetic field", and just like D, it got this meaning via his relation to B: H = u0^(-1) * B - M, that seams to tell me: "it's like B, but lacks information about the materials around him";

- last but not least, B is the "MAGNETIZATION field (maybe it's better calling it MAGNETIC INDUCTION)", that has a similar meaning as the D field, carrying information about how matters reacts to a magnetic field H.

This seams to make much more sense to me, also reflecting the "symmetry" of electric and magnetic fields in the Maxwell's equations: usually when Maxwell's equation are written for EM-fields in a medium they they are written in terms of D and H (by my interpratation, induction and intensity field respectively), then, when they're written in the vacuum, they are stated in terms of E and B, so the other way around. Is this something i'm making up or has it some foundation? Also, sorry for my english, but it's not my main language.


So, , q is both the source and the recipient of E, , and B is just a mathematical construct for the forces between moving and accelerating q's.


Excellent video, thanks for making it! It's one of those topics that is almost taken for granted by professors who may assume it's quite obvious, but I'm glad you found it deserving to devote some time to explaining it more clearly!


Thank you very much. I'm glad that such videos like this exist although they won't get as many clicks as it would deserve.


Now hopefully I won't fail my Electromagnetic Theory exam tomorrow!


Top G.Bro, Make videos on virtual photon also.


Your teutonic accent and how unnecessarily fast you speak makes it very hard to understand what you’re saying.
