10.2: What is JSON? Part I - p5.js Tutorial

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This video covers JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)? What is it? What is the syntax? How do you load a JSON file? How does this help you along the way to working with APIs.

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If someone cant already tell, this dude simply loves coding. I loved how he explained everything. World needs people who love their job as this guy loves. Keep up the good work man way to go.


This man got me back into programming... I CANNOT thank you enough! I’ve had HORRIBLE instructors try and teach me. They are either way too boring or don’t know what they’re doing. You my friend just changed my life (not exaggerating). I love how enthusiastic, energetic, and funny you are! Thank you for all these videos you’ve made and counting. JavaScript ftw!


limitless energy and passion for teaching. Your enthusiasm is radiating and inspiring.


at beginning I gave u thump bcoz u were smile and dance, but after see ur tutorial I give thousand thumps.


I believe I am able to digest your teaching style possibly due to it being presented on the white board. Years of a classroom setting has my mind programmed to retain that way. Keep up the good work sir!


You are the best teacher, every other beginner tutor really fails to illustrate good examples for us to visualise how the data and functios, attributes etc. will be used, so I felt lost until you! Seems you can also tutor the tutors on how to tutor! I love you!


I'm smiling while learning JavaScript! You are amazing!
Thank you so much!


I love how socially awkward yet friendly his explanation was

instant sub


For those of you having an issue with the loadJSON function in Google Chrome, these steps should do the trick.
1) install NodeJs (nodejs.org/en/)
2) run "npm install http-server -g" on your command line
3) on the command line, now you can run "http-server 'file path'

After doing these steps, you can now produce the same effect as Dan is instructing us by. I hope that helped you guys.

P.S. Make sure to run step 3 anytime you need a new instance.


I love the enthusiasm! Too many coding videos sound way too monotone, thanks for keeping me hooked!


Thumbs up man. You really helped me understand what is JSON and how to get specific data from it. I am Android & VB.NET developers and because of your videos, i am kind of interested into JavaScripts also. I'll spare some time and learn JS from your videos. Keep up the good work.


In my programming career, I created much much more objects from classes in different programming languages than doing it in JavaScript object way since I knew little about JS. Thanks to Daniel's careful explanation, I just realized that the interesting difference is "=" vs. ":". JSON is has "JS" in its name so it uses ":" too, ha.


sometimes when you're having a shitty day and your code doesn't work and you've stopped caring about everything - all it takes is dan singing about "javascript is always asynchronous" to turn it around.

thanks dan


This is awesome...I haven't spent time trying to learn any code since the 90's when I was learning html...and you totally make it make sense, love the energy laughing while you are teaching it too, keeps me awake! Plus I love plants, so love the flower metaphor. :D


Bro your level of whimsy is what i needed to pay attention dude. Thank you eternally.


One piece of "best practice" that i have taken from my SQL days, is put the comma on the new line.

, "name":"rose"
, "green":"200"

This makes it easier to spot when you forget one. :-)


Thanks a lot Daniel! Easily the most enjoyable and informative series tackling the most dreadful and technical domain 'data'. Keep up!


You are always so full of energy! All your videos are very instructive and entertaining. Thank you so much for making these videos!!!


you are an incredible and passionate teacher who makes even boring stuffs look really really really interesting !

i resolved to make this comment every time i watch your vid
comment 1/x


He is an amazing teacher. I am sort of figuring he doesn't write a script and rehearse every single video. I suppose he maybe makes an outline of the topics to cover then just goes out and makes the video. Hardly any "ummms" "errrrs" "ahhhs" and other stumbling around on the video. These videos are at the right level for me to follow. Not too advanced, not too basic. I can watch a few minutes of the video, pause the video and try out his examples on my own.

Kind of glad he wasn't a telemarketer and called me trying to sell me something. I might own a couple of bridges in Brooklyn, some swamp land in Florida and a nice retirement plot out in the Arizona desert. Plus a couple of life insurance policies.
