Matematika Kelas XII - Peluang part 7 - Latihan Soal Ujian

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Stars and Constellations - Sarah, The Illstrumentalist
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Makasih ko ben materi nya, sangat bantu sekolahku 🙌🙌! Ko, next bisa bikin materi peluang frekuensi relatif, frekuensi harapan, dan peluang nilai harapan ko


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:35 📝 *The video discusses probability problems with exercises for students to practice.*
01:41 🧮 *To form a three-digit number less than 600 with distinct digits from 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, there are 36 possible combinations.*
05:04 🏆 *In a national chess championship with 8 finalists, there are 336 possible ways to award the first, second, and third places.*
07:05 🤔 *Selecting a debate team of 5 members from 10 students results in 152 different combinations.*
09:18 🚹🚺 *Forming a group of 4 individuals with 2 males and 2 females from a pool of 4 males and 6 females can be done in 90 different ways.*
13:46 🎲 *When tossing three coins 64 times, the expected frequency of getting one head and two tails is 24 times.*
15:32 🎲 *When rolling two dice, the probability of the sum being 5 is 4/36 or 1/9.*
16:50 🔢 *Finding the coefficient of the middle term in the expansion of (2x^(2/3) - y^(2/3))^6 results in 6c3 * 2x^2 * (-y^2), simplifying to 8x^2 * y^2.*
18:59 🧮 *The coefficient of the expansion of (x + y)^5, when expanded and simplified, is -160.*
20:05 📚 *To find the term with the index 5 in the expansion of (x + y)^n, use the formula \(C(n, k) \cdot x^{n-k} \cdot y^k\), where \(k\) is the term's position.*
21:37 🧠 *When solving \(30 \cdot C(n, 5) = P(n, 4)\), consider the values of \(n-5\) and \(n-4\) to determine the coefficients for combination and permutation.*
23:29 🚸 *Probability problem: A family plans to have four children, and the probability of having at least two daughters is \(11/16\).*
26:04 🔄 *When calculating the probability of specific outcomes in family planning, use combinations (\(nCr\)) to account for different orders of boys and girls.*
33:19 🎱 *Probability problem: Drawing two red balls and one white ball sequentially, without replacement, from a bag containing three red and five white balls results in a probability of \(5/56\).*
36:17 🅰️ *When arranging the word "buku" (book), where the letter 'u' is repeated, the number of arrangements is \(4! / 2!\) due to the repeated letter.*
37:28 🔄 *When solving probability problems with a specific order (e.g., drawing balls sequentially), consider the arrangements and multiply by the number of possibilities for each arrangement.*
38:09 🧮 *In a probability problem where three balls (two red and one white) are drawn simultaneously without replacement, calculate the number of combinations directly, e.g., \(3 C_2\) for the red balls and \(5 C_1\) for the white ball.*

Made with HARPA AI


Terimakasih koben atas ilmu nya, terhitung sejak kelas 11 menonton video koben hingga kelas 12, semua video koben sangatlah mudah dipahami, berkat bantuan video pembelajaran dari koben ini saya berhasil menjadi mahasiswa ITB, best ko


Mantap ko cepet di mengerti pelajaranya, sukses selalu


koko sehat² yaa. semoga dipermudah semua urusan nya, aamiin.


terima kasih ko, ko klo boleh request tolong tambah materi ttg utbk dong ko seputar pengetahuan kuantitatif...


ko next, buat peluang materi kelas 10 ko


Makasih banyak Ko Ben, sehat selalu ya🤩


ko tolong bahas persamaan garis singgung trigonometri yaaaa🙏


10:06 ko aku mau nanya.. kenapa yang disini nggak dibagi sama 10C4 (dr total 10 siswa akan diambil 4 siswa) ya ko?? sedangkan kalo di beberapa contoh soal sebelumnya yg pernah koko bahas kayak soal yang tentang kartu bridge pasti selalu dibagi sama "total semesta kartu kombinasi kartu yg ingin diambil". semoga koko baca.. terimakasihh koo


Ko tolong adain kelas langganan kimia kuliah dong koh


Ko tolong yang kimia unsur Kelas 12 🙏🙏


ko, walau udah join membership tetep gabisa si download ya?


Bab peluang Ga ketemu part 2 nya. Ketemunya di part 7
