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#Bible #HolySpirit #Faith #666MarkOfTheBeast #Salvation
The plain and simple truth is that without the Spirit of Christ you are not His.
They that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God.
And you do not have the Spirit of God from claiming scriptures.
The truth will free you from Satan’s deception so you can seek for the Living God in the Spirit and truly KNOW GOD instead of just knowing ABOUT HIM.

The GOSPEL is NOT written with ink, nor on tablets of stone, but on our hearts by the Spirit of the Living God. (2 Corinthians 3:3)
The gentiles who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, then they are a law unto themselves.

Under the New Covenant we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the bible.
I was searching for truth when Jesus told me, "The bible is an idol" which completely changed my direction. After that I only sought for Him in the Spirit and He has taught me many things on life's journey.
The most important of which is that He died so we could be regenerated by the Holy Spirit into sons and daughters of God.
The gospel is simple, repent from living after the flesh, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and then be led and controlled by Him through the Spirit.

The bible is only history and has absolutely no authority from God, the outward law was under the old covenant. Jesus died to redeem us from the curse of the written law because we were unable to keep it.
The New Covenant is not written with ink, it is written in our heart by the Spirit of the Living God.

Have a great journey through life with the Living Christ guiding you.

When Jesus words are written down and Satan is using them, then the bible becomes the word of Satan.
Constantine (1st) beast compiled 50 bibles, legalized Christianity and set up the false prophet (pope).

King James (2nd) beast, born 6/1566, 6th of Scotland, authorized a bible in 1611 that now has 66 books to control people with, an image of God's word they make to speak (the bible says).

By having faith in this idol, they break the new covenant of having faith in the Living Christ through the Holy Spirit, who is the true word of God.
Ask Jesus -Yeshua for the Holy Spirit.
Рекомендации по теме

I have been lead to this very thing. Thank you for sharing this with us because I often don't know how to put things like this into words.everything we have been lead to is strange and not as appears..it seems like people put more faith in Man instead of the Lord I've been guilty of this very thing and darkness trys to lead me astray


So precious are you, dear brother and sister of the LIGHT! Wonderful, Powerful, Plain TRUTH that rings such JOY in my soul! I am so, so, eternally grateful to you and our King of Kings! Blessings, Love, and Light in He who IS the LIGHT! 💗


wonderful plane truth brother. You are such a great and bright light in this dark world. Hallelujah what a saviour. He suffered on the cross to set us free and to make a for us so that we can have God in us .And mankind believe Satan lies and greed to live in sin And end up in the pit hell .We see people die everyday and take nothing with them. love you brother and sister in Christ may God bless you


Eagerly waiting for this series! Peace and love in Yeshua.


I asked the Lord in prayer on Saturday night how he wrote his commandments in our hearts. That night, I had a dream. There was darkness, then I saw a light with fire like a finger. It came into the dark place and began to write in a language I couldn't understand. When it wrote it pierced through the darkness and wrote with light and fire. When I woke up the next morning I finally was able to tear up and throw away my bible. I told the Holy Spirit to be my guide, and to write in my heart.


I’ve listened to you for years confused and torn, I have talked to you many times over the years as well. I was in the group of chase jester I don’t know if you remember me but I am glad I have remembered you, thanks for your words.


This is the first time I watched this video. I was struggling tonight because I'm wrestling with all those bible worshipers and sometimes I get tripped up. This helped me see clearly again.


You can live for eternity...with God and his Son...but you must overcome...the wicked one...so close up your bible...and put it away...repent and be baptized...on this very day...and follow God and his Spirit...and Jesus his Son...so you can live in the New World...when this world is you both so much for this video, it was outstanding...what a great feeling to overcome the wicked one and to be free to follow the Living Christ, who is down in my Heart...not in a book...I love the freedom and peace that I have now...what a Blessing...I hope that you both have a great day...take care...PEACE AND LOVE IN YESHUA AND GOD BLESS YOU BOTH :)


Brother, what about speaking in tounges? I was sharing these truths with my sister the other day and suddenly she began speaking in tongues and calling out to God. She said she was asking God questions in her heart and when I spoke to her he answered all of them through me.


Харланд и Диана. Привет. Я хочу научить вас, что я поклоняюсь живому Иисусу Христу, а не библейской истории мертвой буквой. Harland and Diana. Hey. I want to teach you that I worship the living Jesus Christ, not the Bible story with a dead letter.


Do not be deceived
Jehovah is the truth nit rhese false phrophets
