Game of Thrones Music & Ambience | Winterfell Snowfall at Dusk

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“All the color had been leached from Winterfell until only grey and white remained. The Stark colors."
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I miss Game of Thrones.. The Starks.. The Dragons, everything, even the Lannisters...


"He has never been a bastard. He is the heir to the irone throne."
And it didn't even matter


Why does this music always make me cry? Am I the only one? It's speaks to my soul & makes me feel so home sick & like I have wasted my whole life, living on the wrong place. I live in Southern England, but I feel like I am born in the wrong time, as well as in the wrong environment. It's like the ghosts of my ancestors live in me, & the call me home every time I hear music like this. One of my distant great+ grandfathers was a true Northern, who died in battle within a quarter mile from where I was born. I didn't even know this until I was around 35, & I have felt this urge my whole life. Sometimes I feel like he is in me & it's no coincidence where I was born. I just long for my spiritual home.


This makes me nostalgic about season 1. When all the Starks were still at Winterfell.
I miss The Young Wolf, my one true king.


Farewell Game Of Thrones ..
Thanks for being part of our lives ..


Listening to this at night while reading the books in a dimly lit room is a complete and utter vibe


Who's back here after HOTD Season 2 opening scene?


"You may not have my name, but you have my blood."


“It's just a stupid sword, " she said, aloud this time...
... but it wasn't.
Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile.

- Arya Stark, A Feast for Crows


September 17th 2021 at 4 am in the morning I am lying on bed listening to this and reading the comments, and having nostalgia wash over my whole body, and thought to share a comment myself. I miss game of thrones a lot, as if it was a series of events that happened and affected me personally in my life. That’s how much of an impact that show left on me with all it‘s complex characters and places. To whoever reads this and misses the show like I do, you are not alone. There are quite a few of us spread around the world under our blankets listening to this beautiful music and having all that nostalgia hitting us like a train. But even though we do not notice that, we are all under one roof living and sharing the same emotional experience, so you are not alone my friend. :)


"This makes me miss people that are not real, makes me want to go places that don't exist, makes me feel like i lived as someone who doesn't exist in a place that doesn't exist " - Galactic Squirrel


I’ve always felt more at home in cloudy, dark and cold environments, I don’t know why but at night I feel at peace...snow gives me a warm feeling, this picture, the atmosphere, the music, the vibe, it gives me such a surreal sense of belonging...


It’s scary to think that TV shows have such a huge impact and meaning in our lives. We sometimes may not even realise it but it does


As a Northerner myself this feels like home. Greetings from Finland.


“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives”
#winterishere #houseStark


When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.


I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years a few months ago. Right person, wrong time kinda thing. I was always a fantasy nerd and loved anything that had dragons, knights, elves, etc. For some reason (likely due to the 8th season) I never watched game of thrones. She introduced it to me, and it’s just one of THOSE things that has stuck with me above all other memories, for some odd reason. It was something we shared, and something that truly felt like “us.” It was OUR show.

I listen to this song now when I reminisce about things. For those who have been through the stages of grief, you’ll understand what I mean when this song feels like acceptance itself - the feeling of blood and bond, love and loss, and winter being the time of year we both loved the most - it’s fitting, and it has a certain amount of closure to its sound that just… works.

Crazy how the soundtrack of a show I’d never seen before her is now the “soundtrack” of this part of my life; all right before winter starts, too.

Winter is here, it seems.


"I couldn't keep my promise and everything that's happened since then, all this horror that's come to my all because I couldn't love a motherless child."


"Arya: "Remember what father used to say?"
Sansa: "One does not simply walk into mordor!"
Arya: "I know! Like what is mordor?"
Sansa: "Yep, weird man.""


Here in 2024 btw happy new year to al!! I've listened to this at night for nearly a week now and it's the only thing that has not only relaxed my body and mind, but helped me sleep properly for the first time in months!! I myself, love extremely dark foggy nights and the look of snowscapes even though I literally hate the cold though I was a winter born child myself. I love where the fog is so dense you can't see. Those nights you'll find me sitting outside in it, or going for a walk lol. It just always made me feel at ease and safe. This reminds me of those kinds of nights and I love it ❤
