How to view 3D Stereoscopic films and images - A guide to freeviewing parallel stereoscopic art

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Find out how to Freeview Stereoscopic Films with out needing a viewer or other equipment. We look at viewing Parallel View films here, where you're eye converge beyond the image.

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Oh my god.. you are.. you are just amazing. U just teach me to get that amazing view.
I get three images and I focused on the middle one and I get it. Thanks a lot sir.


I didn't achieve stereoscopic vision til the age of 50 so the whole world at any magnification is an art museum!


Holy mother of god, for 10 years I’ve only been able to freeview RL crosseyed images, and Rl parallel ones were always reverse depth for me, Until Now- now I was finally able to see parallel properly, although right now I can only hold it for 5-10 seconds ( with crosseyed I can watch indefinitely), this opens up a whole new world, since until now I used a fuji w3 but now I’d be able to preview stuff on dual camera rigs, thank you so much!


So freaking cool. I accidentally rediscovered, felt like a totally new discovery, crossing my eyes to see 3 images then focusing on the middle one, you can make everything kinda blurry outside the middle image which is in perfect 3d focus. Have only done it for short periods of time but eyes felt fine. If your tv is about 2 couches away from you and its higher than a couch off the ground, like me..., Look slightly below the tv and then give urself the finger. Focus on the finger and not why it coulda've been another finger. Thats about where the 3 images will come together, if you only have 2 eyes, anyway. I looked slightly upwards while keeping my head facing straight ahead and had crystal clear focus, weird it was all fuzzy (shout out, Randy Rogers!) when looking straight on. Super freaking cool.
Edit: 58" TV


This 'defocussed' technique reminds me very much of viewing those 3D posters and books years ago - a seemingly random abstract pattern that would snap into a 3D image of something when your eyes got it right. It's not focussing, I think the term is vergence. Although normally the two things happen simultaneously, I used to be able to control them separately.


Ridiculously pleased that I got this to work. Thank you!


A little practice.... and it works! Great, thank you. 👍


I know I am late to the party here, but I tried it and it did work... but the image was blurry. Took my glasses off and it actually looked better. I am thinking it is time for a new pair of glasses, or that it may not work as well with the glasses on.


cool! Nice to find you on twitter! (sub'd and will follow)
