multiple regression (1) 2 continuous input variables

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A practical companion to Michael Campbells excellent book: Statistics at square 2.
This takes the example on page 20 - two continuous (i.e. interval/ratio) variables, and show you how to carry out the analysis in SPSS, r commander and r.
This video shows you how to do the analysis - see Campbells book for a detailed explanation and also below.
Robin Beaumont
Full notes, Multiple choice questions etc at:
This takes the example on page 20 - two continuous (i.e. interval/ratio) variables, and show you how to carry out the analysis in SPSS, r commander and r.
This video shows you how to do the analysis - see Campbells book for a detailed explanation and also below.
Robin Beaumont
Full notes, Multiple choice questions etc at:
multiple regression (1) 2 continuous input variables
R - Multiple regression (2 continuous and 1 categorical predictor)
Continuous by Continuous Interaction in Linear Regression (SPSS Tutorial Video #28)
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multiple regression (2, part 2) 1 continuous,1 nominal input variable, ANCOVA in R
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