Watch this Pine Warbler Chomp down on an insect

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The Pine Warbler (Setophaga pinus) is a small songbird that belongs to the New World warbler family. It is a migratory bird that breeds in pine forests of eastern North America, from southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico

.Appearance-wise, male Pine Warblers are bright yellow-green on the head, back, and underparts with streaks of black on their sides and flanks. They also have a white wingbar and white patches on their tail. Females have similar coloration but are less vividly colored and may have a grayish wash on their head and back

.Pine Warblers are primarily insectivorous, and during the breeding season, they feed mainly on insects such as caterpillars, beetles, and ants. They may also eat seeds and berries in the winter when insects are scarce.
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