#1 - Playwright with TypeScript - Setup & Installation | First Script

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This is the first video of playwright and Typescript series.
#1 - Playwright with TypeScript - Setup & Installation | First Script
How to install Visual Stuido Code
How to install NodeJs and NPM
How to install Playwright
Run first script with Playwright
This is highly recommended to cover javascript and typescript basics before starting playwright. Please go through the following series on youtube for JS/TS:
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#1 - Playwright with TypeScript - Setup & Installation | First Script
How to install Visual Stuido Code
How to install NodeJs and NPM
How to install Playwright
Run first script with Playwright
This is highly recommended to cover javascript and typescript basics before starting playwright. Please go through the following series on youtube for JS/TS:
Schedule a meeting in case of any queries/guidance/counselling:
~~~Subscribe to this channel, and press bell icon to get some interesting videos on Selenium and Automation:
Follow me on my Facebook Page:
Let's join our Automation community for some amazing knowledge sharing and group discussion on Telegram:
Naveen AutomationLabs Paid Courses:
GIT Hub Course:
Java & Selenium:
Java & API +POSTMAN + RestAssured + HttpClient:
#1 - Playwright with TypeScript - Setup & Installation | First Script
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#1 Playwright with TypeScript | Introduction | Setup| Run Test | Generate HTML Report
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Apply Playwright test steps with TypeScript decorators
Playwright Interview Questions and Answers
Playwright with Java or Node (JavaScript / TypeScript) which is best?
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TypeScript Tutorial for Beginners
Reuse Playwright Code across Files and Tests with Fixtures
автотести без програмування, як почати? | playwright typescript