Taiwan’s China Dilemma

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HONG KONG, December 14, 2016 — In this talk, author Syaru Shirley Lin explains the divergence between the development of economic and political relations across the Taiwan Strait and the oscillation of Taiwan’s cross-Strait economic policy through the interplay of national identity and economic interests. In particular, she notes that the debate over Taiwan’s economic policy under the last three administrations has been linked to the consolidation of the Taiwanese identity, and this poses challenges to Beijing’s management of cross-strait relations under the Tsai Ing-wen presidency. (1 hr., 2 min.)
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Will China let go of Taiwan? Just see how hard China is standing for even a piece of rock in South China Sea 🤣🤣🤣


Hong Kong was a maturing emerging democracy until China stripped HK of democracy. Other countries are trying to paint HK as an example why Democracy is bad and violent when in fact HK never reached full democracy. HK and all countries in the world can only be regarded as emerging democracies. USA has also not reached true democracy. It's a mature emerging democracy. So democracy is very much a work-in-progress. Therefore, Democracy has not failed because no country has perfected democracy. USA democracy has been corrupted by the political Lobbying system


Taiwan "returning" to China is like the US returning to England; it just doesn't make too much sense. At one point, both lands (now known as the US and Taiwan) were occupied by different foreign powers at various points throughout history, but has since developed very different histories and societies from their respective counterparts, despite a handful of linguistic and cultural similarities that currently exist.


Taiwan and the Taiwanese are awesome people.
I wish the good people of China could live like them🙏


Inspired by Taiwan people, Alberta should seek independence from Canada and establish a new country? Isn't it exciting?


To all mainlnd chinese and chinese living Taiwan! Please study the history before you claim Taiwan is China. All chinese in Taiwan are just immigrants from China, all your ancestors escaped from mainland (during Ming, Quin empire) wanted to avoid the hunger, corruption and misgovernment happend in Mainland thru the century. Therefore they immigranted them self to all over the south east Asia sea.
China didnt exist before the Qing empire after it was overthrown by the nationalist chinese party KMT in 1918 there was only a small part of mainland called china within all the warlords with no unity. (in English you call a Vase, or ceramic”China” its because it was from the Qing empire due to the west couldn’t pronause”Qing” it become “Qinger”, ”Xinger" then “China”)
After 2WW nationalist chinese party KMT republic of china (ROC) has lost the war to the communist chinese party CCP(PRC) and could not exist inside china anymore. Due to ROC was allied with USA, and Japan abandoned the ocupation of Taiwan(NOT GIVEN BACK TO CHINA!) the USA gave KMT a place to stay, otherwise USA has to accept all the refugees in USA.
The KMT misused the sutuation, killed all taiwan independent activist at 228 incident and announced Taiwan is a part of China called ROC and will conquer back the mainlnd china from the small island Taiwan. (what a psychopath ideology by a lost Chinese KMT party).Taiwanese was under KMT dictator ship for decades, forced to believe (brainwashed) that everyone in Taiwan are chinese. Therefore all the chinese immigrants during the last century in taiwan believe in this perfetic illution and claim They are not immigrants in Taiwan. Chinese KMT didnt want to accept the fact they are just refugees, has lost the war to CCP, therefore claiming Taiwan is part of china to save and justify their lost identity.
This part of History was never mentioned or told in school and to the world.
Taiwan was never China it was portuguese, Neherland, Qing empire, Japan but never the china we know today ROC or PRC. Dont understand why all the scholars and the historians are ignoring this part of history?
Please Keep taiwanese and taiwan out of your own chinese conflict, and dont claim taiwan is china to justify your identity. Although most people who call them self chinese in taiwan was born and raised in taiwan, they still cant accept they are Taiwan-chinese or just Taiwanese because they never learn the truth about their own identity and history, how sad………...
(its like all the immigrants and the following generration in US during 2WW are still identify then self to the nation they immigrated from and not as US American)
We are in the 21 Centry and some of you call intelligent scholars and politicians are still so ignorant and arogant to accept true history, because truth don’t fit to a sycopathic chinese ideology.


Taiwanese independence (台獨) is unpopular! Even the United States is against it! Don't let the Taiwanese feel sad. Don't just say that we come from Taiwan. We should also say that Taiwan's name is the "Republic of China". It is not a local government like Hong Kong. I agree with the good system of one country『一國良制』proposed by Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國). First of all, we have to be like a normal country, not say that our country is an exiled government and not secretly attempt Taiwanese independence. Otherwise this is like the CCP’s (中國共產黨) armed rebellion against the Republic of China, just in a different form. What is the difference between the two, one from outside, another from inside anyway?

The DPP (民進黨) is now the ruling party of the Republic of China but, is twisting and distorting history and annihilating the facts of the founders (孫中山) and guardians (蔣中正) of the Republic of China, just like the CCP before. The Taiwan Communist Party (台共DPP) even cooperated with the Chinese Communist Party to eliminate the history of the Republic of China to make young kids fools who know nothing about the hard creation of the R.O.C.!

I want to tell everyone that the DPP is a betrayal of the Republic of China! As the ruling party, at least current officials should ask themselves to defend, love, and be loyal to the Republic of China! To any force that wants to eliminate the Republic of China, whether it is from the CCP (中共) or from the Taiwan Communist Party (Taiwan independence DPP台共), we Chinese people at home and abroad are firmly opposed! This is the bottom line.

Don't deceive yourself. There have been two countries of China since civil war 1949 till now! One is a democracy (民主) and the other is authoritarian (專制)!

The reference to the 92 Consensus (九二共識) is of course the respective expression of Mr. Hu Jintao's(胡錦濤) scientific view which was close to historical fact and definition. If Xi Jinping is wise, he will turn around like Gorbachev and embrace the Republic of China and the Three People's Principles, and admit that he is lost and sorry to the people. Otherwise, if he arbitrarily forces R.O.C. Taiwan to accept one Communist country, the idea of two systems will be an idiotic dream! The Republic of China is the greatest common denominator of Chinese people around the world.


The title should be Taiwan's Mainland China


Very biased research and point of view makes her book less worth looking into. Taiwan doesn't have any other viable option in order to keep its competitive and stay relevant in geopolitics in AP. Sadly time is not Taiwanese side. The assumption that US and Japan will come to Taiwanese assistance is increasing costly for US.


Why does someone calling themselves the Asia Society have leaders and an majority faculty of non-Asians? Would it be equally acceptable if the NAACP or the AIPAC have an leader and staff that is not representative of their label? Or are these people just stirring the pot? These people need to find a real occupation.
