10 More Forgotten Features! | Roblox Jailbreak

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Today I talk about 10 more features in Roblox Jailbreak that have been forgotten by the developers, the playerbase, or both!

Credit to the Jailbreak wiki for several images used in the title and thumbnail

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‘Future’ by ‘Aylex’

Kozah - Cali4nia [NCS Release]:

🏆 Jailbreak is an award-winning game played over five billion times where you can orchestrate a robbery or stop the criminals before they get away! Team up with friends for even more fun and plan the ultimate raid or heist. What role will you play?

🖥 Programmed by Badcc. @badccvoid
🎨 Designed by asimo3089. @asimo3089
🏆 Jailbreak is an award-winning game played over five billion times where you can orchestrate a robbery or stop the criminals before they get away! Team up with friends for even more fun and plan the ultimate raid or heist. What role will you play?

🖥 Programmed by Badcc. @badccvoid
🎨 Designed by asimo3089. @asimo3089

What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

Although the game tends to fluctuate in concurrent rankings, Jailbreak is considered the default most popular game on Roblox due to the length of time that it has remained near the top spot on the front page. However, this is also influenced by Badimo's strategic planning for releasing updates. It gained strong competition in early 2019 with the release of Mad City, a very similar cops-and-robbers style game. Jailbreak's massive success has resulted in winning 13 awards at the 5th Annual Bloxy Awards 2018. Counting collective sales of microtransactions and gamepasses, Jailbreak has earned over 1B Robux in revenue (which translates to over US$3,000,000 through DevEx).

Jailbreak takes heavy inspiration from Prison Life by Aesthetical and Redwood Prison by RoyStanford, but focuses more on gameplay outside the prison. It credited with causing noticeable losses to both games, with Prison Life and Redwood Prison both losing nearly half of their players since Jailbreak came out. This is especially unusual because both Prison Life and Redwood Prison came out long before Jailbreak. As an indirect result of this, Jailbreak has also seen significant criticism compared to Prison Life & Redwood. This is largely caused by the gameplay being criticized as stagnant after being seen at or near #1 on the Popular section of the Games page for years.

Seasons are Jailbreak events that offer limited-time vehicles, customization items, and other prizes for leveling up and collecting XP. There have been two distinct formats used over the years, with the original season system used from the 2018 Winter Update to the 2020 Winter Update, and the revamped system following that and currently ongoing.
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Idk why people dont use smoke grenades bc there actually really good when your going to bank bust bc the players screen would be blurry and u can literally bust easily


2:15 Actually, before 2020 live event, jetpack ALSO spawned on the top of the control tower of the old airport, but it was a very useless spawn point since you needed a key to enter that building.


I feel so bad that people less using the private jet 😢


You already know I use my glider to escape power plant and it’s good for 2 other reasons 1. If your getting chased by a cop and can’t spawn a vehicle in you glide away and spawn one in and 2. Busting crims in bank every time I’m over at the gun store I get one


it’s sad to see stuff neglected by the community because some of these items the devs worked hard to create them


Some ideas of mine, remember this is my opinion. You might have different views than mine.

Things that no one cares about: 1: Cargo Plane 2: SWAT Truck 3: Bank Truck 4: Apartments 5: Deja 6: Seasons 7: Passenger Train 8: Mini gun 9: Security Cameras 10: Planes 11: Outfits 12: Binoculars 13: Grenades 14: Uzi 15: REMOVED 16: Torch 17: Smoke Grenades 18: C4 19: REMOVED 20: Extra Gun Shop Stuff 21: Ambulance 22: Fire engine 23: Fire Fighter Pay 24: Pay Check 25: Sirens (Need to be updated) 26: Search Light 27: Gliders


The smoke bomb is useful to cops for busting banks. I used this combo and it makes it really strong. Also its op for more players in the vault.


I hopped back onto jailbreak for the first time in prob a year the other day. I was suprised to see no one rocked glider anymore. It was the meta for catching crims in the bank along with a donut. And I personally used it to get a shot linup on cops.


Hi awesome video man keep up the good work 🙂😊. Also, I think they should start making robberies require stuff like these to make them useful.


One cool thing I thought of to incentivize apartment use is to incorporate a robbery with them. Every apartment could have a computer that players can use every few minutes that lets the get money through online hacking.


i remember a lot of stuff that i never hear people talk about

the secret room behind the underwater bank, the glider and the glider building in between the old donut store and gun store, the nerf gun (relatively recent but i never hear people talk about it), the ability to climb the prison flag pole, the old lights on top of towers in prison that, when shone on a prisoner, would slow them down, standing next to a vehicle to enter + clicking and holding the back of a cop to pickpocket instead of using e, the old “you escaped” message, the star behind the waterfall + the trash can guy (i forgot the name) + the camping cop next to a campfire, people punching the jewelry store “x” for no reason while waiting for it to open, the myth that the bank only opened at night, the ridiculously fast crawling penguin/snowman glitch to go faster than any vehicle in the game, the backwards crawling glitch to open the roof doors of the og jewelry store, the asteroid that cracked open more and more over time + the gun shop targets being aliens during the aliens update, the non aim locked gun system + shooting through walls if you aimed your camera right, the myth that the donut healed you when it actually didnt… but then they eventually made the donut actually heal you + the glitch to fully heal if you spam clicked the donut, teleporting to the alien military base when you were arrested with a high bounty, the first version of the volt bike (no insane gravity but still really fast and could make very high jumps, but was hard to control), the gates that locked prisoners in the cell basement when it hit nighttime and you had to wait until day for them to open, the og cafeteria vent escape (you had to climb through the stove chimney in the kitchen), the og season 3 glitch where you could still buy the torpedo and arachnid even though they were retired, the old radio station (where the museum is now), the 50 robux gamepass that allowed you to store items in the prison bed (was then removed but all players who bought it were compensated with the spare tire spoiler), the week long safe events to earn the fidget rims, hypno rims, and the snowflake rims, the ability to fly over the old invisible map borders using the fighter jet to have unrestricted access to below the map

theres probably a few more im not remembering


The SWAT game pass isn’t useless as it once was, it offers not just a rifle, BUT also a phone which can be used to look at cameras with.


In the glider part i think its fairly balanced since if you can always use it without having to go back to the shop is too overpowered since players can just spam glider to get away from stuff so i think it should always be on your inventory but have a 60 second cooldown


they actually did update the missiles by making it less p2w and do less damage/increase the cooldown


5:40 then that would be very OP unless if they had like cool downs or something like that


The reason ahy the glider shouldn’t be unlimited because i always use it to escape from police if they are too close for comfort, if it was unlimited imagine everyone flying away from cops


There are some people who actually use gliders tho


Another forgotten feature: Clothing, Police and swat game pass holders have access to clothing in game by clicking on it in police stations.


There's also the baton that spawn at the police station, not many people no about it.
